Thursday, January 8, 2015

Day 8 - Rest Day

Today was as any other - nothing to out of the ordinary. But man did I need a rest day. Just one. I don't want to burn myself out but I also don't want to get lazy again. I think one day is good. And for some odd reason I was soooo unbelievably hungry today. Especially right now before I go to sleep, but I don't dare eat anything. I had 4 scrambled eggs, 4 slices of bacon, and 2 grapefruit. Ok, I had 6 slices, lol. And yes, two whole grapefruit. I think that's enough. I bet I was thirsty and not hungry. Oh well time to sleep. I need this sleep, so tired today. Probably bacon coma - haha. 

But I leave you with this little bit of inspiration. Someone who had my same goal - one year. I don't know her I just saw this picture and I'm so amazed. I can't wait to look like that. 

My inspiration.

As soon as I figure out this Paleo mayo, this will be on my first list to try.

Don't know exactly what this is but its on my list to try. Supposed to be really good. We'll see. 

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