Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 1 - Race Day

Official start weight - 162.4 lbs

This was taken at snap fitness this morning. I will continue to use this scale on the first of every month for progress tracking.

Today was race day. The Polar Dash to be exact. A 5k run in the winter. I've heard about how to dress for winter races from the radio and knew not to over dress because I'd get hot and then have to carry all the articles of clothing I would be peeling off to avoid overheating. The race came with a fleece zip up, hat, and gloves. Because I have no running pants I decided to just wear my comfy yoga pants. If I don't like winter running, investing in running pants wouldn't be worth it. I wore a tank top under the fleece shirt, added a scarf and I was ready to go.

I would be running this 5k by myself, which I was okay with because then it would be a good gauge on my progress into next year. The only part that sucked was driving there, because I don't quite know where I was going, and the time standing around until the race started.

As we were all hearing ourselves at the Start line, I was then nervous as to how the run would go. Would I run the whole time? Would I get tired? Sore? I mean, I haven't run a race in a year and a half for God's sake, would I even be able to do this? Why did I sign up for this? Was I kidding myself? And then, it was go time.

I started off jogging. I went as far as I could. My legs were starting to go numb, my throat was burning, but I kept going. After some time, but obviously before the 1 mile mark, I switched to speed walking. My legs could barely keep up with my mind though. Then I jogged again. I started talking myself into running until I got to a certain sign, and then switch to walking, and I kept doing that the whole time. Sometimes I'd hit the "mark" and convince myself to go just a little further before I start walking. Pretty soon I was I was telling myself "Sonja in 2016 won't give up and walk" or "2016 Sonja wouldn't stop and tie her shoe" - I was in competition with myself a year from now. I was setting the standard as to which to grow from. And I tried to set the bar high - when you want to be great, you've got to sweat, strain, and it can not be easy. 

And then there was the finish line. I didn't sprint, but there's no way I was about to stroll across it, 2016 Sonja would be running, so 2015 had to at least jog. At last, it was over. I had a great feeling of personal satisfaction, and hunger. I hadn't eaten yet today and the bananas they were passing out looked so delicious. Of coarse they had a bag of goodies, but none were Whole 30 compliant. And of coarse the Hot Chocolate they were giving out wasn't allowed either so fooey - banana and water it is. No one said this thing called dieting would be easy.

Completed the race - love the metal!

Food I wasn't allowed to eat - but I will be saving that Lara Bar - because it is Paleo compliant, which I will be converting to after my Whole 30 is complete.

And the official results - couch to 5k in less than 40 minutes. I am very proud of myself! The bar is set. 

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