Monday, January 19, 2015

Day 19 - Oh, there's a difference

My most favorite thing to make, ever since my first Whole30 last summer, is a grass-fed beef hamburger patty - smothered in ghee sautéed mushrooms and onions and bacon. I've recently incorporated green peppers and today minced garlic. It's the best tasting dish ever. It's so good I close my eyes as I slowly chew every morsel. 

I made this dish tonight. My mom was over and gave me a look like I was weird when I ate my food. I couldn't help it though, I swear it's just that good. She asked what I was eating and I told her, and she couldn't believe it was that different. Grass fed beef vs. Grain fed. - unless you've tried it - you'd never know. But the grass fed is so much better and better for you!! So I offered my mom a taste, she took a bite like any regular ole tasting food, and then she began to slow down her chew and enjoy the tastey morsel. And now I've changed her life for the better because she was so delightfully surprised at how much flavor this beef had. Food changes lives, especially mine - it might cost more but I love it - and I'll eat eggs many days in a row and treat myself with a burger every now and then. 

Look at all that fat around the Grain-fed cut - you're paying for that at the store and then cutting it off and throwing it in the garbage. Wasteful.

Enough said.

This just made me laugh. These 19 days have just flown by!! I didn't die - suffered a little bit - but no pain no gain right?

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