Sunday, January 4, 2015

Day 4 - it's finally Broomball season!

I finally got out the house - thanks to Broomball season starting!! I love sports as a form of exercise. That's probably why I like obstacle courses versus regular 5k runs. To me it's more fun - fun is good. Working my muscles on a machine in some sweat smelling box with a bunch of strangers is not fun. Even though I know it needs to be done. But today - today was fun and it was just the motivation I needed. Although it was the coldest day ever at -1 degrees and the wind was blowin, I knew it would be a good workout and I love playin so I wasn't going to let a little winter weather stop me.

I don't mind playing goalie, but there wasn't much action on my side of the ice today, which means not much cardio. So I knew what my personal goal was and when half time came, I gladly switched with someone else. Yes!! Just what I needed - I little movement. We won the game - and my frozen body was ready to get the heat of the car. But I was ready for more! Not Broomball, but maybe the gym??? I just didn't get as much exercise as I wanted today.

Well the gym didn't happen, but I did do some more home workouts. Some squats, pull ups, some other things I don't know the name for, and let's not forget the plank.

Whole30 is going great. I don't even crave anything. Eggs are getting boring, but I'm finding ways to spruce them up. It's the poor mans whole30 - lol. I didn't stop at whole foods today - treat myself to some Bacon!! Yes bacon - they do make it sugarless and it is ever so good. So far doing great on protein and fruit. I know I need to add veggies - and more than the onions I'm adding in my eggs. Veggies are like water though - boring!! But bacon? Now that's the stuff:)

Frozen face of fun!!

This is last years photo - but it's still what I look like today.

And yes - the glorious game changing bacon - it's what gives me hope:)

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