Sunday, January 11, 2015

Day 11 - Bad timing

What a day - all kinds of actives happening today. There was Broomball this afternoon - which ended up not being that much of a workout since I was goalie the whole time. I came home and got a hair up my rear to rearrange some furniture. So I did that. Rearrange furniture is equal to weights and the stair master in my book. Even with those two things it was still running day and I couldn't let it pass.

Oh the gym! Such a wonderful place. Got on my treadmill. Remembered my goal from last time to run straight 20 minutes and get as close to 2 miles as I can. So I started my warm up walk. Feelin great! About 5 minutes later it was time to crank the speed. I knew the muscles would start burning and my throat would get a dry burning sensation - but if I can just move past that it should be a breeze. And then it happened. The sensation and urge to poop. OMG - are you serious?? Like now? Ugh! I still have 15 minutes of running to do - I can't stop now to poo. Okay well what if I just hold it and ignore it - that should be good. Just keep going and enjoy letting yourself go. Another 5 minutes passed and it was getting harder to hold. What to do! Just keep running - don't let your mind play tricks on you. And 3 minutes and it was over. I couldn't do it anymore so I had to stop. Sad and tragic moment. I couldn't very well pick up where I left off when I was done. At least my bowels felt better though!

So afterwards I went on the bike lookin thing. I never understood what this machine did. What muscles does it work - I never feel really super accomplished after doing it, but hey - at least I would be active for another 10-15 minutes. So I sat down and just began to pedal. I even opened up the "It Starts With Food" book and started reading it again. Well I just thought this was wonderful. I think I might continue to use this thing so I can get some reading done. After my regular run of coarse. I am finding this to actually be fun!

I also think I'm getting a grip on the food thing. Really craving ice cream today. Thought about it after the Broomball game on the way to Whole Foods for some dinner food. But wouldn't you know it - I never remembered to get it when I was inside. Ice cream never crossed my mind. Went to Cub Foods - my daughter saw the ice cream isle and made a comment which triggered my memory. But Cub Foods didn't have an organic section!! So I could even look to buy. After the workout I stopped to get water - luckily at a store that I knew would have some. And to my surprise - the ingredients show it has Agave - damn! So I guess none of that for another 19 days. Not a big deal - my grapefruit ended up being really yummy!!

And this is actually before the incident - but now that I look maybe it should've been an after.

Just some motivation.

Got to Chapter 2! Can't wait to read more!

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