Saturday, January 17, 2015

Day 17 - Make up your mind!

Guess no exercise today. I don't even know why I think that coming home to relax for a few minutes is going to motivate me later on to go to the gym. I get home, get my comfy clothes on, then to get dressed and go back in the cold to go to the gym does not sound appealing. That's exactly why my sweatpants win every time! So tomorrow it is, because this magical body transformation is not going to happen laying around in my sweatpants. I was almost motivated to go when I got out of the shower and looked in the mirror. Every time I love to pull all my fat chunks to the back to get a glimpse of what my fit curves will look like. Then I release them and then I jiggle like a bowl full of jello. Just gross. I always love the classic "push all my belly fat together and use my belly button to talk " - gag. But I didn't go anywhere, I just got dressed for home and then plopped myself in the bed.

Yesterday I ate too much, today I ate to little. Come on MyFitnessPal app, can you make up your mind already? I actually even got a message from the app saying that I'm not eating enough. That's never good. I ate some watermelon to offset the calories - and stop the app from being mad at me. I really just want to go to bed...

The Warning...

After the watermelon

The butter I use to make ghee. Mmmm ghee! 

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