Monday, January 5, 2015

Day 5 - Made it!!

I finally made it to the gym. I had to though, it was cardio day. And with the negative temps and the snow, there was no way in hell I was running outside. So I finally ended up at Snap fitness on the treadmill. I couldn't very well do nothing today, won't get fit that way.

So here I am on the treadmill just walking away. How lazy is that though? I mean just 5 days ago, I was charged enough for a 5k now I've resorted to walking on a treadmill. Sad. So forget that mess, I started jogging. And wouldn't you know it, I jogged 1.25 miles without walking! Now that's what I'm talking about!! Well that's enough jogging back to walking. I don't even know why, I really wasn't tired. I wasn't in pain. The whole time I'm jogging I'm just thinking - running on a treadmill sucks. Why am I doing this? So I started thinking about the Get Lucky coming in March. That's a 7k. That would be lame to walk that, time to get jogging again. But not for too long. Lol. The things we do to get fit. Is it absolutely horrible that I was reflection stalking all the other people in the gym and making personal bets as to who was there for real and who was there for two months or less. I hope I don't win some of those bets - especially for just a few people I saw. I know I'm terrible, but it's for your health for crying out loud. 

And there it was. The thought that just pushed me into the hypocritical exerciser. I've just now become that lady, well back to focusing on my walking, cuz while I was looking at everyone else, I peeked at myself a bit. My exercising form, my physique. Yep time to start jogging again.

I looked at the distance and I was only .4 away from 2 miles. And the only thing that kept me going is that fact I couldn't let myself post on my blog anything under 2 miles. It was a short term goal I could accomplish. And I did. So not only did I make it to the gym, I ran/walked a little over 2 miles in 30 minutes. I know I can do better. Next cardio day it'll be 2.5 :)

Same ole intake today. Eggs, bacon, grapefruit. In some form or another. Seems to be the go to. Although it was my first day back at work today, and I love that the have 25 cent bottles of water - yay! But I really tested my snacking cravings. Only had one, but damn if I had to pass up a bowl of Hershey kisses on the way to the bathroom every time. It was easy, but painful! I love nothing more than milk chocolate, either alone or engulfing something even more yummy - like caramel. So enough of that. Those days are over. I do need to bring a snack of some sort tho - almonds maybe?

And the results, nothing to brag about, but at least I have a goal.

Scrambled eggs and my yummy sugar free bacon.

Oh great - so it doesn't end at 365 days. Life you say? That's a long time when your healthy. 

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