Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day 13 - Low fuel

One can actually survive on 2 hours of sleep. It's amazing how much our bodies can take. It definitely not an ideal situation but we all do what we must. I think it would be a good excuse to skip exercise because of lack of sleep. I mean Lord knows I've used less excuses, but I'm starting to pile up my excuses and not get much stuff done. So before dinner I went to the gym to do my cardio. Showed up at the gym, and every treadmill was filled, bikes filled, stair master filled. And there's the devil at work again. This could easily be another excuse to skip, but luckily Albertville also has a snap fitness just down the road. And wouldn't you know it! It was dang near empty! Good! So I start my workout and quickly learn why this isn't the most optimal location. I was staring at a blank white wall. How boring is that. Already I cannot wait till spring. Instead of blankly running facing this depressing looking wall, I decide to turn on Netflix. Hmmm, "The Wolf of Wall Street" looks good. And off I went. Typical burning and hurting as before, but I kept going.  I've got to get to that 10 min mile mark. Well fatigue set in. Soon my legs were moving but I couldn't quite feel them. 

Sad to report I couldn't run the 20 min like I did the other day, but because I've increased the speed, I am able to go farther! Oh to the little things! This is good progress. I signed up for the Get Lucky today. 7k, 4.35 miles. No worries because I've got this. 

And, drumroll please, finally made the Bacon Jalapeño Deviled Eggs. And I am sad to report I didn't eat any so I don't know how it tastes, but tomorrow it is ON! But I did end up making and eating a hamburger patty with sautéed veggies, and omgosh - that was so mouth wateringly good. Dieting never tasted so good. 

Also signed up for MyFitnessPal app. I just wanted to see exactly how food and exercise equal. I entered to lose 2 lbs a week. Which the app felt was a little aggressive to start off, but I really could care less what this app thinks. Disappointed to find out my lovely tasteful ghee has robbed me of some very valuable calories. Needless to say, I will be cutting my consumption of ghee for that simple fact. 

Day 1 on MyFitnessPal and I'm already under consuming on their "aggressive" plan.

Simply can't wait. Is this considered breakfast food?

Just a little bit further this time, but every inch I get closer to my goal. 

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