Monday, January 12, 2015

Day 12 - Excited about food!

It's amazing how good food can taste when you cut out all the crap for a long period of time. I made a couple of things today and they turned out amazing!! First I finally made the Paleo Mayo. It actually turned out - I'm so proud. Using the food processor instead of the mixer worked out way better. It tastes pretty much exactly like Mayo - not miracle whip which I prefer but real Mayo - and it's actually not bad. I think I can really learn to like it with my eggs or tuna. For the immediate I will be trying the Bacon JalapeƱo Deviled Eggs because why not? It's all healthy - all whole30 approved. How can one not be excited to have nummy tasting foods while on restrictions. This just means I don't have to suffer! Yes!!

Second thing I made today was a fantastic Thai Curry Chicken. It was amazing!! Disappointed I can't eat it with rice, but that's okay, because it was good all by itself. My mouth wanted more but my stomach was getting full. It was a tad spicy too, just the way I like. I'm always fuller for longer after eating spicy food. Lately it's been taking less food to fill me too, another lovely bonus!!

With all this good food happening at home, there is a sad moment today. I was running late this morning and didn't pack a lunch. Not bad because there was a chipotle down the street, and oh darn, I guess I was going to have to eat there. Lunch time comes, I stop at chipotle and there's a sign that there's no more carnitas. What. The. Fudge. It's the only meat on the menu I am allowed to consume. And without any lunch I wasn't about to starve. So I decide to eat the original white meat. I had the chicken, secretly I was excited to switch it up anyways. Got the chicken. Are the chicken. And wow did it taste like crap. I used to like the chicken, it was my second favorite - and now - I don't think I'll ever get it again. I hate when being bad actually turns out bad. I mean, don't get me wrong I still finished the bowl, but never again. Carnitas are my new fav!!

And with all this cooking and business and everything - I didn't even work out today - boo! Tomorrow though. And it's running day. Love it!

My pride and joy! Paleo Mayo. I probably won't be as excited a year from now, but it was my first.

The Thai Curry Chicken - so delish!!

Sad:( looks like I'm taking a break from Chipotle. 

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