Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Day 14 - Where'd my calories go?

Well this app is certainly keeping me on top of my intake. Kind of depressing. Even though it's good food doesn't mean I can just eat it all up. I packed 10 deviled egg halves, and honestly planned on eating them all. I shared two with another co-worker who has similar eating style as me, but hasn't tried the mayo before, and she loved them!! So I had 8 left. Lunch time came around and I had to input into the MyFitnessPal app - to which actually had the info for Paleo mayo deviled eggs might I add, and I almost fell off my chair. I'm like "How many calories is that? Oh no!" - so I gave 2 more away. I wasn't about to spend all my allowed calories on deviled eggs alone - no matter how good they are. I probably don't even need to mention the calorie intake from the cashews at snack time. Oh Lawd!! This is just an eye opening experience. I'm eating good food and exercising - I don't really need this app to lose weight. I am enjoying watching the numbers though, puts things in perspective. 

Only thing this app doesn't do is calculate calories burned for strength training. So that kind bummed me out. I was over calories by 110, but I didn't mind because I knew I still had exercise coming. Did my little workout and BAM - didn't give any calories to subtract and now I'm still at -110. Boo. I wonder if they're gonna fix that or if I just have to eat less on strength days. I did have the urge to run today tho - weird. I wonder if that's how people who lift and spend all day at the gym feel like. It was a good feeling. Usually my thoughts are "I can't wait to lay around and relax". Made me feel kinda warm inside.

My breakfast. Last of the Lara bars too so I guess I don't need to add those morning calories in anymore. Although they were pretty filling. 

All that work for nothing.

This looks so good! Maybe after the Whole30 though. We will see. 

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