Saturday, January 24, 2015

Day 23 - Another one bites the dust

Another day gone and I didn't work out. Running seems to be easy to do - but lifting I seem to skip all the time. I know I have 50 billion things going on at one time, but exercise always seems to take a back seat. I need to get my program together because I won't be winning any transformation contests sittin on my butt. Maybe it's over for the at home workouts - I think it's time to step it up and just do everything at the gym. Starting February- that's the new plan. I always start things on the 1st or a Sunday. This gives me time to mentally prepare myself for what's about to happen. It gives myself time to think of an actual plan. 

Besides not working out, I was also starving all day. I obviously went over my calories. Not by much, but still. I think the lack of food yesterday really triggered my body into starvation mode. I really need to be eating on a regular basis. Just not the every 3 hour rule - forget that! I just need to have enough food that when I am hungry it doesn't involved the Keebler elves to get it done. That's why Paleo will be so much easier! I can have the snacks or meals better prepared and make in large batches so they take awhile to consume.

In a higher note! 1 week until weigh and measure time! I'm so excited. I know I've lost something, I just don't  know how much!!

My breakfast! I forgot how yummy they are.

The ingredients in a Apple Pie Lara bar. All natural

My new addiction- grapefruit!!

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