Friday, January 2, 2015

Day 2 - Am I the only one starving already?

So, it's only day 2 and I swear I could eat up the house. I know, I know - drink more water they say - well guess what - water is bland and I don't like it!  I swear I'm like a camel, cuz I'm never thirsty. I've even tried those drinking water apps on my phone where I would set an alarm to drink one ounce of water every so often. And yeah, just like every other method of getting healthy, that scheme didn't last too long either. Drinking water is so far from my mind that when I entered a "What's Your New Years Resolution" sweepstakes for Aquafina, I actually submitted a photo of my race day yesterday and said I want to enter more races. I looked at what others submitted, and yeah, it was people drinking water and their resolution was to drink more water. Needless to say, I don't think I'm winning that one. 

My day did consist of some yummy Whole30 compliant food. Eggs, hamburger patty with sautéed mushrooms and onions, grapefruit, etc. This food is especially good, so why is it so hard to skip out the processed food? I honestly have no idea. Whole30 I can eat as much as I want, whenever I want, and still lose weight. Problem is, my budget does not have any room for $300 weekly Whole Foods diet plan. Plain and simple, I gained weight by eating too much, only way to lose weight is to eat less. Why is that so hard for people to understand? No I'm not starving, just eating less.

I woke up today with the sorest legs ever, which only meant I needed to do something with my arms. So pull ups with my pole, pull ups with the bar, push ups, and some other arm exercise that hurt like hell. 3 sets of 10 reps each, and I threw in a 30 second plank at the end. Because let's be real - I've got to start off slow. And trust me, it's not like I woke up and was like "yeah let's work out!" - forget that mess - I had to talk myself into the little bit I did. Not like I had anything else going on today, but that wasn't anything I wanted to do. But thanks to following so many hit fit pages on Instagram - all these sexy ladies had my lazy behind get off the couch and at least do something. 

Hardest thing of the day: Not taking a bite of these delicious gingerbread people we baked today. All the pretending in the world will not make these almonds be like cookies.

Confession of the day: Although my coffee was black, it was Hazelnut flavored coffee, which I'm pretty sure is NOT Whole30 compliant. But I won't be doing that again, it smelled way better than it tasted. 

If you want good, sugar-less, seasoning - FlavorGod is the way to go - find online.

My breakfast was delish!! 

The evil cookies. Hey - if I had to look at them and not eat - then so do you!! 

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