Sunday, January 18, 2015

Day 18 - Temptation everywhere..

Today above any other I really just wanted some bread, toast, muffin, cookie, whatever carbs were in front of my face I just wanted a bite. Of coarse, I didn't, but I really really wanted to. Especially a Little Hostess chocolate donut, even though I know it's going to taste like chocolate wax - it was so tempting. At least that's how my morning was. As the day went on I was satisfied with my eats. Even scrolling through Facebook and saw some salts that someone posted on the Whole30 support group page and I was excited about those. Might have to find me some of my own.

I also have been a little discouraged because I don't feel like there's been any changes. The first whole30 the weight seemed to melt off, this time it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I have been patiently waiting for the first to come around so that I can jump on the scale and see some real results. These little personal can sometimes be the hardest. So easy to break but I know I'll feel guilty later. I need to just trust in the plan that I've laid out for myself, I know it'll work.  As I was getting dressed for Broomball today I did notice that my waist looked different in my leggings than they did a couple of weeks ago. So after I saw that, I didn't feel like I needed to jump on the scale just yet. 

Enjoyed a relaxing bath those evening. So much that I believe it should also become another weekly ritual. I don't know how many new things I can take on and still keep my integrity. I always think I can do it all - but In reality sometimes I just take too much on. But this, a relaxing bubble bath with lavender bath salts and a magazine is just lovely. And deserved!

Just 30 minutes a week to relax and read  goosip magazines shouldn't be too much to ask for.

Caught in action tonight. Wasn't my best night, but it was better than last night when I didn't go at all.

The salts I saw on Facebook - these do sound intriguing. 

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