Saturday, February 28, 2015

Day 59 - Another end

Gone off the blog for a few days, eating crap food all month, not exercising - I have definitely derailed this health train. I am so disappointed. The sugar addiction is real and I think I need a support group. Back to square one. Tomorrow is March 1st - and I love starting things on the 1st of things - so that's what I am going to do. I really hope that people can relate to this blog and the struggles that come with dieting and exercise. It's hard - and I don't know if it's because I don't want it bad enough or I don't want it bad enough - LOL. I don't know what it's going to take, but I must get there. I must do it. Found a quote today, shared below, and I must have a lack of commitment to this project. I am starting to think this is more about the mental commitment and not that it's a habit. Eating sugar is a habit - and I need to kick it. I want to kick it....well sort of lol - what? It just tastes so good - I want to make it not taste good!!

Today was also weigh in day - I wasn't as happy this month - wasn't even skipping to the scale even. I know my crap food and lack of exercise did not work in my favor. I relentlessly stepped on the scale, and the results.... 152.2lbs. I was kind of astonished - thinking I hadn't gained or lost anything. How could that be? I honestly was hoping I had gained weight. The world had given its "Ah-Ha" moment to teach me a lesson, but no. Well that's what I thought had happened until I logged into MyFitnessPal and entered today's weight in. And sad to report, Ingained 1.4 lbs, and that's what I deserve. How could I possibly think I was gonna get away with these bad habits? Just another reason why March 1st needs to be the start of a new slate. 

Because the fast starts March 9th, I'm just going to start some new habits until then. I thought maybe to start the full fast right away, but that's unrealistic and unnecessary. So from March 1-9 - no sugar, no pork, no red meats. And Sunday is still a rest day, but Monday its ON!! And most importantly - get back to blogging!!

Even thought I'm down 10lbs still - it's not Ok!!

And to top it off - my goodies today - cuz everyone knows how I do it big before I start a diet.

So True!!

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