Monday, February 16, 2015

Day 46 - Not so Bad

I made up for eating a lot yesterday by not eating enough today. Not on purpose though, it just seemed to work out that way. Day was busy with Church and Broomball, by the time I got home for supper I was starved. I fried up a sweet potato in ghee, so yummy, and I couldn't even eat the whole thing!! It was so filling!! Not a good idea to get full off one of those everyday, but good to know in case I have one of those munchie days.

Picked up my "Get Lucky" race packet!! Super excited!! I am a little nervous because this just solidified the realization that this is about to happen. My very first 7k! It's less than a month away and I sure hope I'm ready. I won't be if I keep up the slacking, but having the packet sure inspiration!  After the 7k is the 10k - can't stop now!! Go me!!! 

I know I've been beating myself up a bit about what I've been consuming, but looking at the pictures I took today, I must say I'm looking pretty good. I did notice a couple pimples, which doesn't surprise me since consuming the crap food, other than that though my skin is lookin beautiful and my figure is coming together. Bikini season is around the corner and I know I'll be ready. Just gotta keep eating good and crank up the exercise a bit. Never in my life have I looked good enough for a two piece, but I have a feeling that 2015 is the year!!

My Get Lucky packet!! So excited!!

Lemon water is the new thing, well infused water to be exact. Will be trying cucumber and mint this week too - gotta increase the water intake somehow!!

Me feeling sexy serious!!

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