Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day 55 - I found the body

So it's probably a little unrealistic because the lady that has the body I want, probably doesn't have any kids - but it's good to have a goal. Now, eating a whole roll of Thin Mints in 5 minutes probably isn't the way to get there, but it happened and I don't know how. Damn Girl Scouts and there irresistible cookies will be the end of me. 

At least I started the day off pretty good though. Had those carrot muffins for breakfast, and they aren't the best things I've ever tasted, but edible nonetheless. I'm almost thinking they taste worse because of the crap food I've been eating lately. I also made a paleo Orange Chicken recipe in the crockpot. And that I definitely had to taste, and it was.... Amazing. So that's something to look forward to tomorrow. My husband even liked it too - so that's probably at least one of the things I can make for everyone. So that's good. 

No exercise for today either. Gotta get the 4 hours of available sleep when I can. I hope this schedule ends soon - don't know how much longer I can take. 

So I heard back from the doctor today. And similar to what the other one said yesterday, they cannot identify the mass and I need to have a repeat ultrasound in two months. So imma pray my butt off and leave it in Gods hands:) He's got me:) and thanks everyone who helped with prayers and positive thoughts:)

My inspiration - probably will get a boob job to complete the look - but will enjoying being the rest of this regardless 

The paleo Carrot Raison Muffins - meh!

The results - hope I don't see more in 60 days

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