Monday, February 2, 2015

Day 33 - baking away

The I So now it's day 2 of February and still haven't gone to the gym!! UGH!! I know I'm only doing it to myself - or not doing it rather. I can't complain about not having the body I want if I'm not going to the gym to get it! Every day I have another excuse. Today's excuse is: I have to get to work at 4am so I don't want to work out so I can sleep. Mind you, I should've gone earlier in the evening when I was juggling kids and dinner, maybe then. I swear my pajamas have a hold on me. As soon as I put these suckers on, it is over. I no longer want to do anything else. It's like walking into Target with the grocery list in your head. As soon as I walk through the doors, I forget everything I'm supposed to buy. Tomorrow doesn't look very promising either, since I'm doing hair after school. So Wednesday I suppose?? Working out always takes a backseat to sleep. I need at least 5 hours. 


I made Paleo Banana Strusuel Muffins tonight. They aren't that bad as long as you don't forget the strusuel. It will be a wonderful breakfast. It is fun trying all these recipes. It's good to have these things for something quick, and it tastes good. Especially when MyFitnessPal keeps yelling at me because I don't eat enough. Well it's probably good I didn't work out cuz then I would've been way under.

The finished product.

The recipe.

MyFitnessPal yelling at e again. 

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