Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day 56 - Running partner

Another day of carrot muffins for breakfast. Glad these things have raisins in them because at least it's a little bit of yummy in every other bite. Maybe next time I make these I add more raisins. At least I made up for it at lunch with my yummy hamburger with bacon, lettuce, and sautéed onions and mushrooms - enjoyed every bite of that too. Top it off with a grapefruit for dinner and if say it was a good day. 

Dakota, my daughter, came to the gym with me today. That made it a little more fun than usual. She obviously puts my running game to shame, but I'm glad for her that she can do that. She inspires me:) She doesn't like running at all, but she did it with me so I thought it was great!! I have actually went backwards in my running habits too, can't run as long or as far as before my crap eating starting happening again. But again at least I went. 

The Easter fast is coming up soon. I believe they want to start March 9th, but I'm considering starting on the 1st. I need to gain control of myself again. That means I've got three days. Something to consider.

Treadmill time with my mini me:)

Not as far and not as long. Grrrrrr

Best food ever!! If I could eat this every day I would!!

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