Monday, February 9, 2015

Day 40 - Target is evil

Today was the first time I've been in target in awhile, and I hope to not go back for quite some time more. I'll even pay more to go somewhere else. From the moment I walked in the door I was craving every single thing. It doesn't help that I was specifically there for candy to put on my daughter's Candyland themed valentines box, or the valentines in general. As I'm walking around the candy aisles for the needed items, I wanted nothing more than to eat it all. I'm creating if then' sin my head, wondering how're at was the most horrible guilty e many sit-ups or burpees it'd takes to eat each on wig the items. I've never wanted to much crap in my life - it was so bad! To the point that I actually took a handful of Raisnets as I put them in the trunk of my car. Terrible I know. But it didn't stop there. Had a few more when I got home, and by a few I mean 3 small handfuls. I couldn't get enough. Pretty soon all I wanted to do was curl up in front of the TV with the rest of the bag and veg out for the rest of the night. But I didn't, and even though there was a small lapse in eating judgement. I eventually put them out of sight and mind. While they were in my mouth though..... I enjoyed the hell out of them. 

Going to Tatget during any holiday season is a no. Even though there's always a season for candy, until I get these sugar craving out of my head, I need to stay away. And now I see why they say sugar is more addictive than crack.

I love you, but I need to stay away for awhile.

I hope I got it out of my system now. So good - yet so bad.

It worked to help me quit smoking, so it should work to help the sugar addiction. 

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