Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Day 47 - Back to donating

Donating plasma isn't the most fun thing to do in the world, but it helps out so many people and you get paid for it - so why not!! It's only an hour out of my life, but can help people by adding years to theirs. Why is this prevelant to a dieting blog may you ask, and no it's not part of the no exercise excuse list. Part of the screening process for each visit is getting weighed. Under 150 lbs, the donation is 690 ml; over 150 lbs, the donation is 825 ml. Which is the difference of about 15 minutes. So even though I'm officially weighing myself monthly, seeing how much I'm donating will be a good gauge as to when I've reached under 150. Unfortunately - yesterday wasn't the day. Which is sad because my last weigh in I was only at 152ish, so why I am not under 150 by now I am solely blaming on the Raisnets. Damn them!! *shakes fist in air.  Lmbo!!

Today I made flourless pancakes. Not the best tasting things over ever had, but it was dinner regardless. I also find it interesting that I used less maple syrup because the real stuff is more liquid than the crap stuff. Makes me almost want to totally change the house over to the good stuff. I added blueberries to the pancakes which didn't make them better or worse. The pan I used wasn't that great either but still. I'll have to try some different recipes and find what combination works. I do love pancakes, but the crap ones looked a lot more fluffy and desirable than the ones I was eating. Another thing with eating breakfast food is that I wanted nothing more than a tall glass of milk with ice. I didn't - but oh how good it sounded!! But I'll pass on the pimples - so I skipped the milk.

Almost half way through - can't wait to be under 150. I hope the scale I use and the scale they use are closely comparable. 

So sleepy - but no napping allowed while donating :( That chin tho :(

My pancakes. Too much syrup too. Edible but not the best breakfast over ever had. 

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