Thursday, February 19, 2015

Day 49 - Fun size

I see why people who eat crap food and count calories end up losing weight. The high calorie items are bite size, forcing the person to eat less and starve. And I know this from personal experience. I was in a co-workers office and the small bag of fun size Almond Joy candy bars were taunting me. I noticed these a few days ago, but didn't let it bother me - today was another story. I had just one and it was very satisfying. I entered it into MyFitnessPal and went on with my day. Well that was until I went to school. One of our teachers announced the sex of her baby with PINK valentines candy - Exciting!! - and I couldn't pass that up either. So there goes down the esophagus another fun size candy - M&M's this time. And those were also very yummy. So there it was - a meals worth of calories in just two fun size candy. I won't beat myself up too bad because I could've had a regular size from the vending machine, but still.

I'm sure all would've been fine also, if I would've run the calories off. But I didn't. I did however do some sit-ups in my head - which unfortunately doesn't count for anything. 

Went to the doctor today which they found blood in my urine, just not as condensed as I found after my run yesterday. I am going for a CT scan tomorrow, hopefully nothing to terrible. This is precisely why I need to drink more water. These problems are precisely why I and everyone else should be drinking water, water, and more water. This is the most important element. 

Still trying to figure out if it was worth it - although it was satisfying. But maybe I'm only fooling myself.

Some test results from the doctor. I really hope it's not kidney stones.

I need to remember this!

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