Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day 34 - Massage day

I saw a quote yesterday that officially made me feel guilty about all my skipped gym days. I shared it below in my photos. Even though I don't know how someone as busy as me can always 100% be at the gym everyday, nor do I know anyone busier than me - let alone busier than me going to the gym. I mean if sleep wasn't a necessity, that would make things a lot easier. Or maybe showering - cutting out showering would do it to. The act of going to the gym and working out is only one small factor in time management, showering afterwards has to be considered. Like today, I could've taken a random middle of the day 30 min run at the gym, but that would've involved stopping at home to get ready to go to the gym and then afterwards showering and getting ready - that's a whole other 30-45 minutes. And that, I definitely didn't have time for. After school I did two haircuts, which landed me at home at 11:30pm. I thought about doing a couple sit-ups or something just to relieve the guilt but as soon as I walked through the door I changed my mind. No half assin' around here, either be all the way lazy or all the way productive. 

Plus it was massage day today. Supposed to rest and drink plenty of fluids on massage day. Man did she work my muscles though. It's exactly what I needed. She even asked me if I paint or do hair, something where my arms are above my head, because she could tell based on how tight my back was. I wish I could make those massages part of my regular schedule because it was so great.    I'm not getting any younger, that's why I need to start taking care of myself now. Got to get to the gym and condition my muscles. I don't want to be the frail old lady - I want to be strong.

The guilt me quote.

This is the spot I got my massage done at. Got a great deal off Groupon!!

This quote popped up on the TV at the massage place. Goals - love it!

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