Friday, February 20, 2015

Day 50 - CT scan day

The only thing I don't like about getting procedures done is the fact they starve you beforehand. I understand the point of it, but still. No eating 3 hours before and fill up the bladder with clear liquid. So my early mornings force me to eat breakfast early, and my lack of meal prep and funds left me lunch-less. So I had my banana streusel muffins around 630am and I stocked up on coffee and tea until about 11 and then I switched to water. The scan was scheduled for 4pm, and I was ready. Everything went fine, except for being stuck 3 times for the IV, and oh boy was I starving. And yes, I did what everyone didn't think I would.

It's amazing the things you do when you're hungry and broke. If I was in the woods I would definitely been the one finding the grub worms and bugs at this point, but we aren't in the woods so I did the next best thing..... used my coupon for a FREE butterburger at Culver's. I was already late for school so I might as well make it worth it. I don't know if it was that I was so hungry or if I hadn't had a burger in so long, but it went down so fast I don't even remember what it tasted like anymore. Sad. And after logging in those calories into MyFitnessPal, I'm glad I don't eat like that everyday. I wish I could say it was worth it, but I fear I will regret that one later.

There it is - the evidence. 

And there it is - the repercussion

Water, water, and more water.

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