Saturday, February 14, 2015

Day 45 - Pot Luck

Valentine's Day Pot Luck at school today. I'm not gonna lie, it was good. I did enjoy every last bite. It is a holiday after all. And who knew when you punched in "pot luck" into MyFitnessPal it would actually have entries available. So I just slapped in 1500 calories on one of those entries and called it good. I really did want to input every item. Some said it was too much, but I wanted to play it safe. Haha. The cupcakes tho - Mel's cupcakes were devine- pretty sure I'll be dreaming about those tonight.

So because of that escapade, I was not about to skip the gym today. Turned the speed up to 5.6, set the timer to 45 minutes, and I was off and running. Got done to 17 minutes and I was so thirsty. I meant to press pause, but the dang machine stopped. Sad. 2.37 miles, 257 calories - and I had to start over. Well not from the beginning, but still. So I got my drink and pressed on. Finished my run and feeling good. Cut down my calories big time. 

So although I made some regrettable food choices today - I worked out. So I'm feelin pretty good about it. 

The set up. 

The plate.

The redemption. 

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