Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day 54 - I see now

So far so good, gettin back on track. Had my paleo pancakes for breakfast, which didn't taste too bad, but I don't think I made them right. I only had one egg, and the recipe called for 3, so I had to split the recipe ingredients into 3, and for some reason it never turns out like its supposed to. I will be picking up eggs today though and hope to make them again and then we'll see. Had rotisserie chicken and zucchini for lunch, which is always a winner. Made some carrot muffins for tomorrow - I think we're gettin there. 

Work, cook, and school - I'm not gonna lie - I really didn't want to go to the gym. I  said I was going after school, but on my drive home after school I was dang near falling asleep at the wheel, and I wanted nothing more than to climb into bed and go to sleep - cuz Lord know I needed to get up at 12:30am to pick up my husband and that extra hour of sleep vs. exercising was more ideal at this point. BUT I didn't give in!! I brought my tired behind to the gym, sluggishly walked in, and got on that treadmill!! Yes I did!! I did not give into the lazy!! But I will tell you I was not at peek performance. I don't know if it was because I was tired, or the fact I've been eating crap food and not going to the gym, but I was not at my best and only ran for 15 of 40 minutes:( Although I was speed walking the rest, it was still rather disappointing. So now I see - I see the difference and need to get back to where I was.

When I was leaving the gym, I saw this guy walk up to the door outside, scan his Snap fitness badge, and walk back to his car. I can't even say anything, because that's the very exact thing I thought about doing tonight. Because if nothing else, at least continue to get the fitness health insurance discount. But it was at that moment I was even more proud of myself, because I may not have done my best tonight, but at least I did something. 

Called to get ultrasound results today and my doctor wasn't in. I got a message online from the doctor that was in, and I wasn't satisfied with the results. Read below. I am hoping my doctor will call today and shed some better light on this whole ordeal. 

Sometimes it's the only question....

But I chose to exercise today - yay me!

These crappy results...

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