Friday, January 9, 2015

Day 9 - Donut day

So I really love donuts. Like LOVE. And Fridays so happen to be donut day at work - suckola. Everyone takes turns providing donuts for the team. It's works out pretty great because I only buy donuts once a year, but get one every Friday. Yeah - Friday's were the best! I ain't gonna lie either - sometimes I had two. LOVE donuts! And that's why I am here today. One donut in, 5 lbs on. Today was the first donut day since the start of the regemin. It was a sad day. How pathetic is that - to be sad over donuts. I think I even sighed every time I walked by. And what do people do when they love something as much as donuts and can't have them? Yes - I looked up recipes on how to make Paleo donuts. And then the heavens sang "Glory!" - so at least I have hope. And maybe it won't be every Friday, or even as a breakfast substitute - but a nice treat or snack here and there - I'm okay with that. Makin deals with the food devil, that's how I know that food has a mental hold on me.  I am hoping to get over the mental need for food or cravings. How long it will take though is the question. 

On a positive note - I did have Chipotle for lunch. Soooo good. It may not be the typical rice and steak bowl - but it was so good I didn't even miss it. The Plymouth location sure does know how to make their carnitas well. I still wonder now if I even chewed or just swallowed. I was pretty hungry, but it was so good. 

Almost didn't exercise today. I'm so tired! I wonder if it's just hitting me know. I think days 4-5 was listed as the "I just want to nap days" - so maybe I'm a latenapper. I couldn't not do anything though, so I mustered enough energy to do 3 sets of 10 of the exercises I do. I am trying to go for transformation here not slight change. I accepted a 90 transformation challenge - so now I really need to do something. And dreaming about donuts and eating bacon all the time isn't going to get me anywhere. So here we go. To bed that is...

Sorry I had to do it, if I had to look at them so do you!

My oh so yummy lunch - mmmmmm. 

Challenge Accepted!

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