Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Day 7 - Feelin pretty good

Today I experienced my first real craving. Mmmm chocolate... I did not satisfy this craving but I forgot how horrible it is to have them. Maybe a little bite won't hurt...Pssshh yeah right. One little bit just stacked 15 extra pounds on these bones in the past three months. That thought alone helped me survive - but man was I hungry!! I was so dang hungry at work that I resorted to eating the hard boiled eggs out of "the wheel of death". I'm pretty sure I'm going to pay for that tomorrow. I mashed them all up, egg salad style, with salt and pepper with a dash of mustard. Yep, pretty nasty. Mayo-less egg salad is probably rock bottom. So I was determined to make Whole30 compliant mayo tonight. Because if nothing else I can at least make some compliant deviled eggs:) on gosh, that sounds good!

Another school night after work left me needing to do my running at the gym at about 9:45pm. It wasn't so bad. Nobody was there anyways. On one hand I got the place to myself, but on the other, there was nobody to pretend to race with. I started off my 30 minute run with a 5 minute walk. And that my friends was the shortest 5 minutes of this whole work out. I started to run at the 25 minute mark and the distance was around .2 miles. I promised myself to run 1.25 miles without walking so I could build up to 7k for March. Man I wanted to walk though. Honestly I wonder if I even know how to run, is it really supposed to be this hard?

I was coming up to the 1.5 miles, thank goodness, and I realize I only have like 5 minties before the 5 minute cool down walk begins. So why not just keep running? So I did. That last running minute was the longest ever!! But I did it! I am so proud of myself! (Small victories) and now what I've decided to do, is to continue that same workout. 5 minute warm up walk, 20 minute run, 5 minute cool down. I will continue that until I can do 2 miles in 20 minutes. Then I will increase my time 10 minutes. I still can't believe it though, I ran 1.8 miles without stopping. 

I came home, wasn't hungry, but needed to make this mayo. Found the recipient online and got to it. Started boiling eggs , for the deviled eggs I would make for lunch tomorrow. This was going to be so good!! But wait. Why wasn't this liquid mess turning into mayo? It was so runny. I started looking at all the recipes online , but they were pretty much all the same recipe. Only thing I saw was it said to NOT use EVOO. And Yep, that's what I was using. Well, let's just add another egg, maybe that should help. Fail. Just fail. Now I have 4 hard boiled eggs with not much to do with. Sad. I've got to get this mayo thing figured out this weekend. 

That was an intense, uplifting and encouraging workout! 

The results!!

Homemade mayo fail 

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