Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Day 28 - Dammit

Now I see what happens when you decide to take a week off of working out. I thought it'd be no big deal, but tonight I just saw all my previous work go down the drain. 

I finally decided it was time to stop making excueses. I got there and the place was empty. Not a soul in the place. I was just there to go running so it didn't matter. I started off like I always do, and began to do my running after 5 minutes. It wasn't before long and I was jumping off non moving part of the treadmill for a rest. A REST!!!i I couldn't believe this. Wasn't it just last week I was bragging about running a full 20 minutes?? I'm so disappointed. Something needs to be done. I need to figure out a plan. I feel like I'm right back to where I started. This is not okay. The Get Lucky is in a month and a week away. 

Imam really tempted to weigh myself. I won't, but i feel like it would give me some motivation. Right now I feel like I'm not seeing or feeling any changes. Sunduay will be here soon enough, then I can get official measurments. I'm so excited. 


All by myself - how they missed me - I didn't miss them at all but I know its necessary.

Can't wait until Sunday

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