Saturday, January 3, 2015

Day 3 - Looking for inspiration

So - am I skinny yet? I'm looking for instant results here - why isn't it happening? Starving for 3 days - doing as much, or as little, exercise as possible - I mean come on - I should be there already. And I know it sounds dumb, but that's how I feel. My sacrifices should be showing a little something by now - right?

So I did some crunches, some bridges, squats, and more time on my plank. And honestly, I didn't even want to do that much. Laying on the couch is so much more comfortable. I know that's not getting results, and I think that's even the worst part. I better get to liking exercise soon or this is gonna be the longest year ever and I still won't be where I want to be. I have NO IDEA what happened to that woman on Race Day - who was just out to win it. Maybe she got lost on the way home - I need to go find her. The gym should be my vacation time out of the home. How does one begin to, dare I say, LIKE exercising??

As I lay on bum, during the majority of my lazy day, and browse social media, I found some lovely memes to give some inspiration to what I'm actually trying to do with this thing called dieting. I better start praying, because I'm going to need Jesus for this one. He helped me quit smoking - I bet he can help with this.

Pretty Much!!

How long to build the Ark?

Thin girls look good in clothes - Fit girls look good naked - remember that. 

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