Monday, January 26, 2015

Day 25 - Another busy day

What a full day. Barely got sleep last night, wrote a couple bonds, played Broomball, colored hair, gave another a thermal style and trim, did two boys cuts, dropped some kids off, cooked - and now I'm layin here like "where'd my Sunday go?". No bath, no gym, no relaxing. I am ready to pass out at any given moment though. My next full day off is a week from now - so hopefully I will spend it well, because today was just crazy. Good thing I was actually on the ice today during Broomball, and not just a goalie. Really allowed me to burn some calories and get in on the action. Not that I had any calories to burn - I barely at today. I think I'm still way short of my calorie goal today. But after I cooked and ate, I'm far too full to consume anything else.

So this ground lamb, ground sirloin, butternut squah, and bok choy dish was pretty amazing. Not really a fan of the sqush by itself, but taking it with a bite of the lamb is pretty dang tasty. I found the recipe out of a magazine at school. I substituted the Kale for bok choy though because honestly I'm not ready to jump on the Kale train just yet. Yuck. 

And I was obviously very tired because I totally passed out while writing this post. Finishing it up in the morning. Still feeling super tired. 

Bok choy and butternut squash.

Finished product. 

Recipe if you want to try. 


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