Friday, January 16, 2015

Day 16 - Feeling great!

Day 16 - Yes!! Halfway through the Whole30 and I am feeling better than ever!! Even though I won't be going back to the regular eating as I was before the Whole30, at least I can start eating other types of Paleo foods, like pizza, doughnuts and honey in my tea. And yes I will be eating those things, just not the kind we are taught to eat growing up. I really can't wait to try out all these recipes I've been looking up. Slowly but surely I will slowly weed out all the crap food from my house too. It's sad that I have to resort to all the crap food but it's cheap. Hard to feed 6 kids and 2 adults on a Whole Foods grocery bill. Hopefully the more I research and Google and find deals it'll get easier and easier. Apparently my health insurance gives discounts to certain organic companies. So now it's just a matter of finding out what to switch the hamburger helper with. Should be interesting.

Today was just another day of no eating and getting no credit for my strength training. I must say the hamburger patty with sautéed veggies was worth it. I was totally not going to exercise today. I was enjoying being lazy. But I couldn't do that to myself. I couldn't do that if I was going to win the challenge. So I got up and did my little workouts. Soon it'll be time to step up the game.

On the other hand, my body is feeling great!! I'm awake!  Feel energized!! People have even been saying I walk faster. Don't know how, but that's awesome!! Still have mood swings though. Don't know if there will ever be good to fix that. 

Some of my at home exercises. I know my forms not the best - but everything will improve with time.

The burger that was worth the calories. Food can taste good and be good for you.

Glad I have this app but not at the same time. I shouldn't feel bad for going over - I'm eating real food. It's at least good to know how much is being consumed. 

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