Thursday, January 29, 2015

Day 29 - only one more day!!

Wow I can't believe it - last day of the Whole30 is tomorrow. That went pretty fast. I can definitely say I don't think I lost as much weight as I did last time. I did lose some, don't know how much until Saturday though. I know my clothes are fitting a little better these days. I also don't have strong desire to just go all out on day 31 and eat whatever. I'm actually excited about my Paleo journey and all the new recipes I'm going to try. Last year on day 31 I had Cold Stone Creamery and Dominos. Needless to say, I never went back to Paleo. I am really determined this time though, especially because my journey doesn't end until January 1, 2016. Only 336 posts to go.

Tonight at school there was an ice cream celebration because one of the students was leaving to continue schooling in St Cloud. I didn't have any. I was only moderately disappointed. I kind of steered clear of the break room for awhile. Seeing someone eat them could've been painful.  Even though I KNOW processed food is not good for the body, but the engineer it so well! 

Oh well - I had myself a Coconut Cream Pie Lara bar - and that thing was damn good! I think I found a new favorite. And I also got a pin sent to me to try and make some qwest bar - so that should be fun to try this weekend! I love trying new stuff. I've also got apple cinnamon pancakes on my radar as well, flourless of coarse! See good food can be good!!

The evidence. Wishing I bought more than one now. 

Back with the strawberry water:) with the addition of coconut milk in my coffee - gotta get things moving in prep for scale day - haha:) some of you will get that. 

And I know I'm losing weight because my pants are starting to crease - yes!! Before I swear these jeans were busting at the seems:)

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