Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Day 27 - Breaking me down

Where did my energy go? This is gettin ridiculous. Another day passed and still haven't gone to the gym. This is not good. My motivation and energy just went out the door. I don't know when. I don't know how. But I need to get back on track. I cannot procrastinate the year away thinking I'm going to get fit and not do anything to get there. Maybe it's the lack of calorie intake. The damn fitnesspal app yells at me every day because I don't eat enough. I don't want to go over calories either. I need to do more prep work for some easy to make meals so I can just grab something. I know I'm busy and all but come on - I can't be feeling this tired every single day. I would like to think I could switch it up and start working out in the morning - but who am I kidding, it's hard enough to get up for work. Even if I did, it would just take one late bail bonds night to mess that program up. I seriously have no balance in my life and it sucks!!

Rant over.

I learned a lesson at Cub Foods today though. For items that are priced per pound - pay attention to the posted price and the sticker price. The chicken was posted at $2.99 per pound. And this was the organic chicken mind you. I'm thinkin it's a hell of a steal. $2.99 is even cheaper than the Golden Plump brand. Sweet! But when I looked at the sticker, the total price was like $7-9. I'm thinking it's too expensive. That was until I looked at the per pound price, and that was $4.99!! I doubled checked the sticker, and $2.99 was suppose to be the price. Of course I got the meat people and explained the mix up. They changed the price for me. Almost made me want to grab all the chicken on the shelf like - yeah I want to buy all this! But I didn't want to be greedy. So I'm super happy that I got the better chicken at a better price. 

I made blueberry muffins tonight. Paleo of course. Going to have one for breakfast. The batter tasted pretty damn good. And no, I'm not supposed to be eating these until after Sunday, but I don't give a damn. I need some grab and go food in my life. So I will enjoy them with my guilty conscience tomorrow. Can't wait!!

Golden Plump area

Organic Chicken Area

The recipe for the muffins I made. 

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