Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Day 6 - It happened

Well I was home with my sick son today and didn't take advantage in any way of being home and possibly doing any exercise. It never even crossed my mind. Skipping it wasn't possible. Why is this? I constantly wonder how people I see lifting on Instagram can just be so gung ho about the gym and working out. Like its the only thing they have to do in their life. And I'm sure they also wonder how people can just lay around and eat all day. I wish I had their love and ambition, it would make this whole process a lot easier.

So no exercise during the day, and now it was ready for cosmetology school. That lasted til 9 and I knew I had to work out afterwards. I get home and my first reaction is to make food. So I start chopping up veggies and frying them up. Cut up some sausage and frying them up. Took out one container so I could pack a lunch, and then the rest was gonna make a really yummy before bed meal. And then it happened. The realization that I wasn't even hungry. I had already had a full dinner at 7 o'clock break at school and there was no need to eat another big meal. I don't even know why eating when coming home is a habit. I need to change this. If I'm always eating, whole30 or not, how can I start shedding pounds. So I gladly took out a second container, finished making the food, and packed two meals for another day. I was pretty proud of myself. And even know while I'm writing this, I have a grapefruit waiting to be eaten, but at least that's a healthy snack - not a full meal. 

So instead of eating, I did my regular previously mentioned workout reps. I started thinking of a regular routine for this type stuff. I'm thinking strength building one day, running the next, and keep alternating those days. Should have me ready for that 7k in March of i do it that way. Especially with the small personal goals I make with each rep or mile. Small goals are easier to achieve, as long as the long term goal is still in sight.

My chopped up veggies

My two lunches - so good it was hard to resist.

My faithful fitness pole and weights - small for now but not for long:)

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