Saturday, January 31, 2015

Day 31 - The results!

I woke up this morning on a mission to get weighed. It's terrible I know, but I have been waiting for these results. Not only because we all like to see results to our labor, but because it was a sense of accomplishment. I didn't really feel like I'm all the much lighter, so seeing the results would give me a push to achieve more. I have 11 more months so I gotta see something. But only 11 more adults days because I don't want to be weighing myself all the time - I think that would take some joy out of the event.

I hadn't ate breakfast yet, and I was on my way to a bonds call, so when I left the house I stopped my snap fitness. This is what I did the first day, so let's just make it a ritual. I walked right up to the scale, took off my shoes, and stepped on. And it read 150.8!!! I lost 11.6lbs!! Omgosh - I was so dang happy!! I damn near skipped out the gym!! So there it was - all my hard work and sacrifice paid off!

My measurements:
Arms: 11 3/4" & 12"
Chest: 33 1/2"
Waist: 40"
Legs: 22" each

Don't know how my legs got bigger when my pants are looser but whatever. So that's 2" lost in my waist and 3" in chest. Nothing in my arms. So now I know my February goals.

I didn't jump out and eat pizza or ice cream like last year - not going to fall off this time!! But I am going to celebrate my husbands birthday - might have a slip up at the buffet or two, but I will still make good choices! 

Side view

Front view

Even my clothes fit better!!

So happy right now:) thanks everyone for the support! Now on to February- who's with me?

Friday, January 30, 2015

Day 30: I made it!!

I can't believe I made it. A whole 30 days and now done. Well at least for this little journey. I'm so excited to weigh myself in the morning and see if it's all been worth it. Then on to 30 days Paleo before 30 days of fast. 

It was really tempting to just give in today and eat whatever. So many temptations everywhere, but I didn't give in, I stayed strong. The mini cupcakes probably didn't taste that good anyways. Haha

Results are in tomorrow- can't wait!!

Yes I did

 Cute little treat that was so tempting

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Day 29 - only one more day!!

Wow I can't believe it - last day of the Whole30 is tomorrow. That went pretty fast. I can definitely say I don't think I lost as much weight as I did last time. I did lose some, don't know how much until Saturday though. I know my clothes are fitting a little better these days. I also don't have strong desire to just go all out on day 31 and eat whatever. I'm actually excited about my Paleo journey and all the new recipes I'm going to try. Last year on day 31 I had Cold Stone Creamery and Dominos. Needless to say, I never went back to Paleo. I am really determined this time though, especially because my journey doesn't end until January 1, 2016. Only 336 posts to go.

Tonight at school there was an ice cream celebration because one of the students was leaving to continue schooling in St Cloud. I didn't have any. I was only moderately disappointed. I kind of steered clear of the break room for awhile. Seeing someone eat them could've been painful.  Even though I KNOW processed food is not good for the body, but the engineer it so well! 

Oh well - I had myself a Coconut Cream Pie Lara bar - and that thing was damn good! I think I found a new favorite. And I also got a pin sent to me to try and make some qwest bar - so that should be fun to try this weekend! I love trying new stuff. I've also got apple cinnamon pancakes on my radar as well, flourless of coarse! See good food can be good!!

The evidence. Wishing I bought more than one now. 

Back with the strawberry water:) with the addition of coconut milk in my coffee - gotta get things moving in prep for scale day - haha:) some of you will get that. 

And I know I'm losing weight because my pants are starting to crease - yes!! Before I swear these jeans were busting at the seems:)

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Day 28 - Dammit

Now I see what happens when you decide to take a week off of working out. I thought it'd be no big deal, but tonight I just saw all my previous work go down the drain. 

I finally decided it was time to stop making excueses. I got there and the place was empty. Not a soul in the place. I was just there to go running so it didn't matter. I started off like I always do, and began to do my running after 5 minutes. It wasn't before long and I was jumping off non moving part of the treadmill for a rest. A REST!!!i I couldn't believe this. Wasn't it just last week I was bragging about running a full 20 minutes?? I'm so disappointed. Something needs to be done. I need to figure out a plan. I feel like I'm right back to where I started. This is not okay. The Get Lucky is in a month and a week away. 

Imam really tempted to weigh myself. I won't, but i feel like it would give me some motivation. Right now I feel like I'm not seeing or feeling any changes. Sunduay will be here soon enough, then I can get official measurments. I'm so excited. 


All by myself - how they missed me - I didn't miss them at all but I know its necessary.

Can't wait until Sunday

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Day 27 - Breaking me down

Where did my energy go? This is gettin ridiculous. Another day passed and still haven't gone to the gym. This is not good. My motivation and energy just went out the door. I don't know when. I don't know how. But I need to get back on track. I cannot procrastinate the year away thinking I'm going to get fit and not do anything to get there. Maybe it's the lack of calorie intake. The damn fitnesspal app yells at me every day because I don't eat enough. I don't want to go over calories either. I need to do more prep work for some easy to make meals so I can just grab something. I know I'm busy and all but come on - I can't be feeling this tired every single day. I would like to think I could switch it up and start working out in the morning - but who am I kidding, it's hard enough to get up for work. Even if I did, it would just take one late bail bonds night to mess that program up. I seriously have no balance in my life and it sucks!!

Rant over.

I learned a lesson at Cub Foods today though. For items that are priced per pound - pay attention to the posted price and the sticker price. The chicken was posted at $2.99 per pound. And this was the organic chicken mind you. I'm thinkin it's a hell of a steal. $2.99 is even cheaper than the Golden Plump brand. Sweet! But when I looked at the sticker, the total price was like $7-9. I'm thinking it's too expensive. That was until I looked at the per pound price, and that was $4.99!! I doubled checked the sticker, and $2.99 was suppose to be the price. Of course I got the meat people and explained the mix up. They changed the price for me. Almost made me want to grab all the chicken on the shelf like - yeah I want to buy all this! But I didn't want to be greedy. So I'm super happy that I got the better chicken at a better price. 

I made blueberry muffins tonight. Paleo of course. Going to have one for breakfast. The batter tasted pretty damn good. And no, I'm not supposed to be eating these until after Sunday, but I don't give a damn. I need some grab and go food in my life. So I will enjoy them with my guilty conscience tomorrow. Can't wait!!

Golden Plump area

Organic Chicken Area

The recipe for the muffins I made. 

Day 26 - Not into the overly muscular look

I think it might just be me, but that's rarely the case, but I am not into the overly muscular, chiseled from a stone, I bench all day on roids look. It really bothers me for woman to be that way too. I am really old fashioned, but I also don't think woman should be lookin like they could break someone's neck with their bare hands either. I just don't think it's cute. Don't get me wrong, a big tub of lard isn't where it's at either, but a good medium would be heathy and look better.

I follow a few fitnnes pages on Instagram. I wonder how many kids some of these girls have. I swear there's not enough of ladies to follow that look good after a baby. I'm gettin tired of seeing these girls and their no kids bodies. Mine will never look like that - I must get over it and face reality. No kids body vs. had kids type of body. I just need to find some inspiration. Don't know what a fit Sonja body will look like - I've never had one.

This is what I Don't want to look like.

I would prefer to look like this.

It may be just me - but I actually prefer this guy in February - lol. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Day 25 - Another busy day

What a full day. Barely got sleep last night, wrote a couple bonds, played Broomball, colored hair, gave another a thermal style and trim, did two boys cuts, dropped some kids off, cooked - and now I'm layin here like "where'd my Sunday go?". No bath, no gym, no relaxing. I am ready to pass out at any given moment though. My next full day off is a week from now - so hopefully I will spend it well, because today was just crazy. Good thing I was actually on the ice today during Broomball, and not just a goalie. Really allowed me to burn some calories and get in on the action. Not that I had any calories to burn - I barely at today. I think I'm still way short of my calorie goal today. But after I cooked and ate, I'm far too full to consume anything else.

So this ground lamb, ground sirloin, butternut squah, and bok choy dish was pretty amazing. Not really a fan of the sqush by itself, but taking it with a bite of the lamb is pretty dang tasty. I found the recipe out of a magazine at school. I substituted the Kale for bok choy though because honestly I'm not ready to jump on the Kale train just yet. Yuck. 

And I was obviously very tired because I totally passed out while writing this post. Finishing it up in the morning. Still feeling super tired. 

Bok choy and butternut squash.

Finished product. 

Recipe if you want to try. 


Saturday, January 24, 2015

Day 24 - Hair should count right?

I woke up late this morning because I was too tired to get out of bed, so all I had for breakfast was banana. Lunch was reasonable because Chipotle is so awesome. And then dinner is a hodge podge of fruit, Lara bars, deviled eggs, and chicken. Again - the effects of not prepping meals is weighing on me. I'm just too busy. I can see why now people chose not to stay eating this way. It is way more easy to just stop at a fast food spot or a gas station than it is to starve. I can't wait for a day off so I can make all these lovely foods to just have around. Paleo will be easier. 

Needless to say, if I didn't have time to cook an actual breakfast or dinner, than I didn't have time to exercise either. And today was running day, sad. So I wonder because I was moving around all day at school, and then doing hair at my besties house afterwards - that's got to count for something right? I wonder how many calories are burning foiling a whole head of hair. Not that it would make me do it every day, but good to know

At least I've got Broomball tomorrow - yes!!

Foiling my besties hair tonight.

Now I'm actually considering these after the 30th. 

I would love nothing more than to share this with my husband, but no!

Day 23 - Another one bites the dust

Another day gone and I didn't work out. Running seems to be easy to do - but lifting I seem to skip all the time. I know I have 50 billion things going on at one time, but exercise always seems to take a back seat. I need to get my program together because I won't be winning any transformation contests sittin on my butt. Maybe it's over for the at home workouts - I think it's time to step it up and just do everything at the gym. Starting February- that's the new plan. I always start things on the 1st or a Sunday. This gives me time to mentally prepare myself for what's about to happen. It gives myself time to think of an actual plan. 

Besides not working out, I was also starving all day. I obviously went over my calories. Not by much, but still. I think the lack of food yesterday really triggered my body into starvation mode. I really need to be eating on a regular basis. Just not the every 3 hour rule - forget that! I just need to have enough food that when I am hungry it doesn't involved the Keebler elves to get it done. That's why Paleo will be so much easier! I can have the snacks or meals better prepared and make in large batches so they take awhile to consume.

In a higher note! 1 week until weigh and measure time! I'm so excited. I know I've lost something, I just don't  know how much!!

My breakfast! I forgot how yummy they are.

The ingredients in a Apple Pie Lara bar. All natural

My new addiction- grapefruit!!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day 22 - Never in a row

UI can never seem to run long distances for two days in a row, well every other day that is. I don't know why. Just the other day I ran for 20 minutes straight at 5.5 - and today I had to stop like 6 times. My legs were just feeling all weird and floppy. I think I just psyc myself out or something because I can't seem to do it. If I keep this up, I know I won't be able to run the same week as the Get Lucky 7k - I'll just have to stretch and do weights the week before the race. I do not want to burn out. I want to finish the 7k in under an hour. Although, I was kinda hungry before today run so maybe that's what that is. Maybe I just not be hungry before a run. This is definitely have to figure this out. And like always - more water!!

On a high note, my beastie brought me some Apple Pie Lara bars - YUM! I am so grateful - they are a great snack or breakfast, when I've forgotten mine. That same beastie also laid a bomb on me today too. Fast is coming up in March!! So this should be fun. Gives me a great reason not to go all crazy will my food in February because the next month will right back to where I am now. I know it's a great sacrifice that I will suffer through with Pride and Prayers!! 

My Yummy Bars!! Can't wait for breakfast!!

Cooling down walk. 

Well apparently I need to eat more

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Day 21 - Makin & Breakin

I'm So I don't know who thought it up, but the ole sayin goes "It only takes 21 days to make or break a habit". Well it's day 21 and I think the sayin might be true. I'm starting to like exercising and can't go more than a day without doing at least a little something. Running is becoming more enjoyable and necessary every day. My cravings for crap out of the vending machine have disappeared, but I do stop scrolling to admire a recipe photo on Facebook that is totally not compliant. Especially Nadia's cupcakes, never had one but they look so good. Probably would end up with diabetes of I ate one, but I bet it'd be worth it. I will say that Thai time around I'm not longing for anything. The last time I did whole30 - I couldn't wait til day 30 was over - had my meal planned out for the day and everything. Pizza and cold stone ice cream - mmmmmm. This time tho - I'm excited to eat some things but they are all paleo. I'm not even thinkin bout crap food.  All these recipes I found look so good and I bet they will taste good too since all the processed sugar has been ridden from my body. It's amazing how that even works. These 21 days went fast. Now just another 9 before I can start getting creative!!

Can't wait til I run tomorrow. I've been slacking on doing the weights this week. Maybe I need to start going to the gym everyday. The atmosphere at home is not motivating - and I'm not getting any closer to the fitness rams formation by not lifting. If nothing else. 

Bye you nasty pastries and gluten carbs

My breakfast - it's gettin smaller by the day - but not any less satisfying. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Day 20 - this Bitch....

Another night at the gym... First thing I notice before even walking in is this twiggy bitch lookin all cute. I'm like "Please Lord, let her be leavin right now" - nothin worse than tryin to get my skinny on with an already skinny girl around. Damn - she's puttin on her shoes too - now I know she's here to stay - AND she looks like the running type - double crap. Well whatever, I'm here to do me so here we go. Start my regular routine, 30 minutes on the treadmill. First 5 minutes is a warm up at 3.8 speed. So here we go.

And just as I thought Miss Twiggy picks the machine one over from me. Great...

5 minutes is up now it's time to run - worked my way up to 5.5 speed. Miss Twiggy is still walking. And then out of no where she starts running - all cute and professional of course. Dang...

I just keep going. And I quickly notice I'm more of a jogger I think. I'm looking at her form in the window reflection, and it doesn't look like mine. She takes bigger steps and her feet kick up behind her. I guess that's what running is supposed to look like. I'll get there some day when I'm fast. But I just keep doing what I do and before I know it - I just ran 20 minutes at 5.5 speed without stopping!!! That's so awesome!! Last time I ran 20 minutes straight I was at a 4.6 speed. Now just to do that again in two days would be great - maybe at 5.6!!  Meanwhile Miss Twiggy stopped running and went back to walking awhile ago, but just as my cooling walk ended she was back running. I did peep at her speed as I walked by.... 7.1 - ugh so jealous.... But I'm not even worried - I'll be there soon enough!

On a foodie note - I found a chocolate pudding recipe from my favorite chef Bobby Flay today - 10 more days and I'll get to make it!! Pretty exciting!!

I definitely feel like this during my run sometimes - my legs just don't want to go anymore.

Longest distance yet!! I'm pretty stoked about this - maybe I subconsciously held a competition with Miss Twiggy - maybe I should do that every time. 

Bobby Flays Chocolate Pudding recipe (courtesy of

Monday, January 19, 2015

Day 19 - Oh, there's a difference

My most favorite thing to make, ever since my first Whole30 last summer, is a grass-fed beef hamburger patty - smothered in ghee sautéed mushrooms and onions and bacon. I've recently incorporated green peppers and today minced garlic. It's the best tasting dish ever. It's so good I close my eyes as I slowly chew every morsel. 

I made this dish tonight. My mom was over and gave me a look like I was weird when I ate my food. I couldn't help it though, I swear it's just that good. She asked what I was eating and I told her, and she couldn't believe it was that different. Grass fed beef vs. Grain fed. - unless you've tried it - you'd never know. But the grass fed is so much better and better for you!! So I offered my mom a taste, she took a bite like any regular ole tasting food, and then she began to slow down her chew and enjoy the tastey morsel. And now I've changed her life for the better because she was so delightfully surprised at how much flavor this beef had. Food changes lives, especially mine - it might cost more but I love it - and I'll eat eggs many days in a row and treat myself with a burger every now and then. 

Look at all that fat around the Grain-fed cut - you're paying for that at the store and then cutting it off and throwing it in the garbage. Wasteful.

Enough said.

This just made me laugh. These 19 days have just flown by!! I didn't die - suffered a little bit - but no pain no gain right?

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Day 18 - Temptation everywhere..

Today above any other I really just wanted some bread, toast, muffin, cookie, whatever carbs were in front of my face I just wanted a bite. Of coarse, I didn't, but I really really wanted to. Especially a Little Hostess chocolate donut, even though I know it's going to taste like chocolate wax - it was so tempting. At least that's how my morning was. As the day went on I was satisfied with my eats. Even scrolling through Facebook and saw some salts that someone posted on the Whole30 support group page and I was excited about those. Might have to find me some of my own.

I also have been a little discouraged because I don't feel like there's been any changes. The first whole30 the weight seemed to melt off, this time it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I have been patiently waiting for the first to come around so that I can jump on the scale and see some real results. These little personal can sometimes be the hardest. So easy to break but I know I'll feel guilty later. I need to just trust in the plan that I've laid out for myself, I know it'll work.  As I was getting dressed for Broomball today I did notice that my waist looked different in my leggings than they did a couple of weeks ago. So after I saw that, I didn't feel like I needed to jump on the scale just yet. 

Enjoyed a relaxing bath those evening. So much that I believe it should also become another weekly ritual. I don't know how many new things I can take on and still keep my integrity. I always think I can do it all - but In reality sometimes I just take too much on. But this, a relaxing bubble bath with lavender bath salts and a magazine is just lovely. And deserved!

Just 30 minutes a week to relax and read  goosip magazines shouldn't be too much to ask for.

Caught in action tonight. Wasn't my best night, but it was better than last night when I didn't go at all.

The salts I saw on Facebook - these do sound intriguing. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Day 17 - Make up your mind!

Guess no exercise today. I don't even know why I think that coming home to relax for a few minutes is going to motivate me later on to go to the gym. I get home, get my comfy clothes on, then to get dressed and go back in the cold to go to the gym does not sound appealing. That's exactly why my sweatpants win every time! So tomorrow it is, because this magical body transformation is not going to happen laying around in my sweatpants. I was almost motivated to go when I got out of the shower and looked in the mirror. Every time I love to pull all my fat chunks to the back to get a glimpse of what my fit curves will look like. Then I release them and then I jiggle like a bowl full of jello. Just gross. I always love the classic "push all my belly fat together and use my belly button to talk " - gag. But I didn't go anywhere, I just got dressed for home and then plopped myself in the bed.

Yesterday I ate too much, today I ate to little. Come on MyFitnessPal app, can you make up your mind already? I actually even got a message from the app saying that I'm not eating enough. That's never good. I ate some watermelon to offset the calories - and stop the app from being mad at me. I really just want to go to bed...

The Warning...

After the watermelon

The butter I use to make ghee. Mmmm ghee! 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Day 16 - Feeling great!

Day 16 - Yes!! Halfway through the Whole30 and I am feeling better than ever!! Even though I won't be going back to the regular eating as I was before the Whole30, at least I can start eating other types of Paleo foods, like pizza, doughnuts and honey in my tea. And yes I will be eating those things, just not the kind we are taught to eat growing up. I really can't wait to try out all these recipes I've been looking up. Slowly but surely I will slowly weed out all the crap food from my house too. It's sad that I have to resort to all the crap food but it's cheap. Hard to feed 6 kids and 2 adults on a Whole Foods grocery bill. Hopefully the more I research and Google and find deals it'll get easier and easier. Apparently my health insurance gives discounts to certain organic companies. So now it's just a matter of finding out what to switch the hamburger helper with. Should be interesting.

Today was just another day of no eating and getting no credit for my strength training. I must say the hamburger patty with sautéed veggies was worth it. I was totally not going to exercise today. I was enjoying being lazy. But I couldn't do that to myself. I couldn't do that if I was going to win the challenge. So I got up and did my little workouts. Soon it'll be time to step up the game.

On the other hand, my body is feeling great!! I'm awake!  Feel energized!! People have even been saying I walk faster. Don't know how, but that's awesome!! Still have mood swings though. Don't know if there will ever be good to fix that. 

Some of my at home exercises. I know my forms not the best - but everything will improve with time.

The burger that was worth the calories. Food can taste good and be good for you.

Glad I have this app but not at the same time. I shouldn't feel bad for going over - I'm eating real food. It's at least good to know how much is being consumed. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Day 15 - Do not forget to prep!!

I'm so I see now why people spend so much time prepping their weekly meals. My son wanted to cuddle last night so I chose to do that instead of get today's breakfast and lunch packed. This morning I was too tired to get up early to make anything, so I just grabbed whatever was available from my shelf. And yes, I do have my own shelf in the fridge. What I grabbed seemed to be enough, but apparently it wasn't. I ate all of it before 10:30am. I don't know why I was so hungry. I don't know why I am always more hungry the less food I have. Like dang, can't a girl ration her food to survive the day? Nope, not this girl, ate it all up! Forced to snack on 1/4 cup of almonds the rest of the day. Which surprisingly made me full. 

After work I rush home to change for school, again have no prepared food, grabbed an apple and an orange and headed out. I did stop at the grocery store for some after school items so I also picked up a grapefruit. At least I wasn't feeling starving at school. Luckily I still have 500 calories available to consume - and that was before I worked out. 

The gym was fun. Got tired of looking at the timer non stop so I put a paper right in front of it so I would see. Time went real fast after that. 

Back at it! I think I'm finally getting a routine. 

Paper towels was the first thing I could fine. It did the trick tho.

Those are the good kinds of Fats btw.