Monday, February 23, 2015

Day 53 - Festival of Feasts

Yep - that done messed up all my Sunday plans for this dang diet. First annual Festival of Feasts at church after service. And I know I didn't have to eat it, but it looked sooooo good. Even my bestie was like "you're gonna eat that?" - to my reply "hell to the yes I am". There was so much food there and most of it tasted as wonderful as it looked. Of coarse I had to bring my eggrolls:) so I was up early frying those, and of course eating them for breakfast too - LOL. I won't feel bad about what I ate today, maybe a wee bit guilty since I vouged to change it up, but I'm human, and good food must be eaten. 

The rest of my day was so busy it left no room for exercise either. Now that I will feel bad about. But only for a second though. Sunday is supposed to be my rest day anyways - and that the story I'm sticking to. Now if I continue with no exercise the rest of the week, well then all of this was for nothing. 

We did have family movie evening, where I sat everyone around the TV to watch Fed Up". It's a documentary on the reason why Americans are the most obese country in the world, and also how sugar is the new cocaine. The food industry is pretty much doing this to us by the way they manufacture their food. This is something I already knew, but it was good to get the kids and especially my husband to see. They did also talk about the "counting of the calories". And how it pretty much doesn't make sense because the calories you consume via crap food is absorbed in the body differently than the same amount of calories in the healthy food. So pretty much my 100 calories of cupcake is gonna make me fat regardless becaus the way the body breaks it down. This sucks. 

So pretty much the whole - I exercise so I can eat what I want - craze is a bunch of crap. And that makes me sad because that's what I was going for.... Eventually. 

Kids on sugar - yes it's creepy - but sadly true.

My early morning egg roll making for church. 

Good People, Good Food, Good Time - No Regrets!! 

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