Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day 35 - I made it!!

Finally!! I finally made it to the gym!! And I plan on going tomorrow too! After I go I feel so motivated! Exclamation marks all over the place!! Maybe I should just never have a rest day - then I'd always be motivated. Hahahahha hahahahha - who am I kidding - I need my Sunday's! 

It was running day today. And because I haven't ran in awhile I was able to run without taking breaks. I almost wanted to in the beginning, but I just pressed on. As I was programming the machine, I almost set the machine for only 30 minutes. Which is the same amount of time as all the times I ran January, and then I thought "how am I going to get better if I just keep doing the same old thing?" So I bumped it up to 35 minutes. I think a 5 minute increase on a monthly basis is good. Well for now, maybe I'll increase it later. I ran for 25 straight minutes at speed 5, with a 5 minute warm up and a 5 minute cool down. That extra 5 minutes of running did help too, I was able to run a smidge over 2 miles in that 25 minutes. If I kept up that pace for twice the distance, I'd finish the Get Lucky in under an hour!! I would be so proud.

2.62 miles!! Best distance yet!!

I don't know if I find these messages encouraging or not yet. 

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