Thursday, February 5, 2015

Day 36 - And that Makes 2!

2 days in a row at the gym! - watch out now - I'm on a roll! Even though I have to get up at 3am to make it to work by 4 - I didn't use that as an excuse today. I have a goal and skipping the gym all the time isn't going to get me there. I need to remember that! I did the same run as yesterday, but just as I suspected, I wasn't able to run the whole 25 minutes straight. I got to about 19 running minutes and I need a quick 20 sec break. My legs were feeling all wobbly and sore. I felt like if I didn't stop my legs would be moving different than what my brain was telling them to do and I'd fall flat on my face. But after that one break, for the next 6 running minutes I took more breaks - UGH! That's when I realized, taking breaks during running is like breaking the seal when you're drinking. And that's not a good idea.

Nothing special about today though. I did see that Oreo cookies were coming out with a S'more version. And those things I will definitely need to stay away from. I am afraid to even try it because I know it would be over after that. I love s'more everything. Especially the cereal and the goldfish. Oreos are gonna be the death of me. Will Power is a must!!

Running selfie! Look at those double chins

Just a smidge further today

They were laying all nice and flat, open the container to this. Terrible. 

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