Sunday, February 1, 2015

Day 32 - The day after

KLast night I behaved myself at dinner pretty well. I did have dessert - a couple chocolate chip cookies and sugarless cheesecake. Cheesecake wasn't that great, but the cookies were fabulous. They tasted like Sweet Martha's at the state fair. I could've grabbed a whole cup of those and ate them all night! But I won't. I definitely steered clear of the pastas, breads, and dairy's though. So I patted myself for that

Today is Sunday so no exercise today. I did remember and actually have time for my bubble bath though - so that was lovely. Healthy food all day, so I feel pretty confident that continuing this Paleo journey will be way. 

Back to the gym tomorrow. 

First Plate

The dessert with the lovely cookies 

Another afternoon at Broomball:)

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