Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 48 - Web MD to the rescue

I finally got my butt to the gym. Even though I was tired, I needed to go. I went right after school, didn't stop at home, just straight to the gym. When I stop at home for any reason I tend to mentally get comfy and make every excuse not to leave. So I did my normal run, 45 minutes - 5.5 speed. Went pretty well until I got jello legs. I ended up cooling down and stopping 10 minutes early. I still got 2.8 miles in!!

Went home afterwards for shower. Went potty and got a little scare. I had peed blood. This wasn't the first time either, last week it happened after the gym once too. So this is kind of scary. Usually when  I don't exercise for a while and I start some vigorous activity, I have spotted before, but this peeing blood thing is kind scary. So WebMD here I come.

Apparently I'm not the only one, and it sounds pretty normal for runners. The obvious solution is I obviously need to drink more water. I also need to get a urinalysis just to be sure. But from what I read, I probably shouldn't per before running again, or at least within 20 minutes of running. From what I read, my empty bladder could be slapping around while I run causing the blood, and if I had at least a little pee in my bladder it would soften the slapping around and create more of a cushion. Nonetheless, calling the doctor today - wish me luck!


The running results - short of what I wanted but farther than sittin on the couch:)


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