Sunday, February 8, 2015

Day 38 - Nothing special

I should really just suit up right after school and get my workout done before coming home for anything. I swear as soon as I get in the house I just don't feel like doing anything else. So needless to say I didn't work out today - again! So I guess Sunday rest day is out of the question. I need some motivation. I wonder if there's any special tricks out there. Even though I didn't work out I was still under my calorie goal though. I totally missed lunch. And not on purpose either. One of my services at school went over the time slot so I ended up going to lunch late. And because I hadn't packed anything I just didn't eat. So I ended up starving all day. And I tell you, the vending machine was lookin damn good too, but I just told myself NO. 

I wonder what's going to happen once I get the body I want. Is maintaining the figure as much work as gettin it? I would like to think I wouldn't have to do as much. Maybe an every other day routine, or every third. I know I won't be able to go balls out on food, but would I have to work out so vigorously. Hopefully skipping a workout day wouldn't make me feel so guilty. I'll have to do some research I guess.

On the brighter side - I made some Molasses Cookies:) those were pretty good I must say. And all made from compliant ingredients. It's good to have a treat every now and then:)

It's convenient but so bad for you. Now you know you're starving when you turn to this thing. Ew!

Mmmmm - home cooking beats vending any day of the week!!

If you're interested in making these yummy treats - here's the recipe. 

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