Sunday, February 8, 2015

Day 39 - Can't sit down

You'd think with a title like that you'd expect to read about how I worked out a bunch. The opposite is actually true. I was actually super busy all day that I never got the chance to exercise or eat.  I was up at 6, working on paperwork and clipping coupons bright an early. Went to church, played some Broomball, wrote some bonds, did some nails, did some hair, and did a whole lot of driving. Now it's 3 hours until it's time to get up and all I can think of is how sleepy I will be tomorrow. Last time I got this much sleep, I didn't work out the next day either. MyFitnessPal is yelling at me that I didn't eat enough - ugh!

Well hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

I could've eaten a whole lot more - dang.

MyFitnessPal yelling at me.

Saw this and thought of myself lol

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