Sunday, March 15, 2015

Day 76 - Race Day 2

And it's still day 6 of 24 while this is all happening. And like a lazy bones I didn't get up, like I wanted, before 6 so I could at least get some good water in before the fast time. So I'm off to this Get Lucky 7k probably already dehydrated, but I got God so that's all I need.

I get to the race and take some pictures and then stand around and wait for it to start. I was at least smarter this time by not showing up too early - like the Polar Dash. The race started off fine, jogging and keeping my pace just fine. I went through the normal stuff I do when running, body starts feeling sore, chest burns, mouth waters; but I know I'll get over it so I just keep pressing on. It's a lovely day with Sunshine and a slight brisk air. I got to the 3 mile mark before I was really starting to feel like I needed to walk. I knew if I started walking I would then set it off and I'd be run walking the whole rest of the time.

But hey, I gotta do what I gotta do. I had to walk, my legs were starting to feel like jello and I was wearing down. So I started walking, speed walking, but still not running. So for the rest of the time that's how it went. Run - walk - run - walk. After the 4k flag it was hard to judge how much farther there was to go, but I just kept pressing. My goal was to make it under an hour, and my RunKeeper was telling me I was getting close to my time so I needed to speed it up!

And then I saw it - the finish line!! Yes!! I almost want to pick up pace but I couldn't feel my legs, so that wasn't happening. But I at least kept up my jogging pace - and the finish line was definite motivation. And then - I crossed the finish line!! It was finally over!! Now to just wait for the results!!

Gettin ready for the race!! Lookin good and feeling great!! I love how I'm always so motivated for these things.

Best moment of the whole race. Got to a bridge with these beautiful view and "How Great is Our God" comes on the MP3! Nothing but smiles were on my face. Beautiful moment!!

This was the race. Didn't seem that far on the road:)

And there it is - made it more under my goal than I thought - so happy!! Now onto a new goal - the Tiki Run 10k in July!!

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