Saturday, March 14, 2015

Day 75 - Day 5 of 24

It was anothe pretty easy day - thank the Lord. I will say tho - I was pretty tempted to have Tacos for lunch - which would normally be fine if it wasn't for the Doritos I use as a base! Doritos on the fast are a big no no because chips are a pleasurable item. Then I almost though about cheating with the Dorito shell they sell off the shelf - but that would only make me feel like a cheater and not satisfied, so I just skipped the whole idea. Discipline! Wish I had this much when I wasn't doing extreme diets or on a fast.

I just ate today the same thing as yesterday. And I was thankful that the other have of the omelet I made didn't turn out tasting like leftovers. I hate that! It tasted just as it did yesterday - and that was definitely satisfying. Well except for the point that I wish there had been more of it - LOL. 

Worst part of the day - it's Friday and that means donuts at work. And of coarse they couldn't just make it regular donut day but there also had to be pies. And I didn't look at the table too long, but I believe one was French silk - gulp. Good thing I didn't state too long cuz my stomach probably would start hurting and my mouth salivating like never before. And since the food cube is on the way to the bathroom, I had to take another route the rest of the day. I mean, why torture myself. 

The Get Lucky is tomorrow.... Hope I'm ready. I better pray for some strength!!

Had my pre-op appointment today. (Kidney stone surgery next Friday) And one of the things was to get weighed. I don't want to look because my official weight days are the last day of the month but I couldn't help it. 150.1 lbs!! I had an appointment on Tuesday about the "mass" in my uterus and I was 153.2 - so that's 3 lbs in 3 days! This should get pretty interesting...

Again - if I have to suffer looking at this stuff so do you!!

Different fruit but pretty much the same meal. I know I know - but the biscuits are soooooooo good. Bought 5 more boxes today LOL

If the biscuits weren't in my life I think I'd really be starving!! (It makes me feel better knowing that - okay? Hahahaha)

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