Thursday, March 12, 2015

Day 70 - Day 3 of 24

This has been the hardest days of the fast so far. I was very hungry this morning, probably because I was at work early this morning and at least had something to drink before the fast - which set my stomach up for failure pretty much. But I prayed through it and made it though the day.

But let me tell you - when 4 o'clock hit - I was ready to smash some food after my prayer. I ate mostly left overs from day 1 - with an addition to more Cheddar Bay Biscuits. Yes I went to the store to buy more because those were so dang good - I may even eat some tomorrow too! Something new to be addicted to I guess - sad but oh so real!

As I was eating the apple cinnamon pancakes and I felt as if my esophagus has gotten smaller - I could barely swallow them. I don't know if it was because they were dryer than the first day I made them or what but it was difficult. I wonder if it's even possible to have trouble swallowing food when fasting. Or maybe I need to slow down? I know I'm super hungry and smash the food so fast - so maybe I just need to slow down and enjoy.

But if I slow down I won't get as much in.... Sad. 

Most difficult point of the day - watching my son eat this incredibly delicious looking chocolate chunk cookie. It was so hard to say "no thank you" when he tried sharing with me. Seriously. So. Hard. But I know - 24 days is a rather short amount of time when compared to a year - I will get that cookie soon enough. At least that's what I tell myself. 

Haha - now you get to suffer too - in addition to the cookie - that is a Nesquick thin mints chocolate milk - I also wonder how yummy it was. 

And there's my meal once again - just not in the mass quantity as the first day.


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