Friday, March 20, 2015

Day 82 - Surgery Day!!

Finally - it happened! Now to get these stones flushed out and me be on my happy drinking water from now on way.

Got up early this morning to prepare myself. I know it's not a huge surgery, but I'm still under anesthesia and still at the doctors mercy, so it can be stressful just the same. I think I've seen Kill Bill too many times that it all is very uncomforting. But my spirits were up and prayers with me so here we go!! Haven't eaten since 1pm the day prior, haven't drank anything since 10pm the night prior, so I was ready to get this done with just so I could eat. So they wheel me into the surgery room, start taking deep breathes of oxygen while they pumped me up and I was OUT!

Next thing I know is I was waking up in recovery. First things first - where's the water!!   Then I had some graham crackers, and u was good to go!! Took it easy the rest of the day!

On a better note - just signed up for the The Tike fun - 10k - so it's official!! And now commence training!!

I have surgery today, but first let me take a selfie

This is a Stent. They are installing of these into my body

Applying the sound waves to break up the stones into passable sizes. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Day 81 - 11 of 24

Ok well - surgery for these kidney stones is tomorrow. Can't wait for this to be done! 

I was supposed to drink this Magnesium Citrate stuff at 4pm and begin a clear fluid diet until midnight, but because the fast ends at 4 and that's the time I'm scarfing food in my face, I needed to modify the fast. The directions for the citrate stuff said to take it two hours after eating. So now that pushes the fast to end at 2, but I ended it at 1 just for good measure. Just to be sure the food at least had a chance to digest and get in my system before being forced out. And because of my lack for planning - I didn't have anything to eat at work. So I ordered Jimmy Johns. A good tuna sandwich will do the body good. And it tasted good too so that's at least good. And then after that - on to clear fluids. The rest of the night.

I already can't wait until tomorrow afternoon!

I forgot to take a picture of my actual sandwich, but this will work. Mine didn't have as much tuna as this one though. 

Here's a good reason to know how much your eating!! 1 sandwich - so many calories.

And just in case you were wondering what they looked like. Cuz I never did. 

Day 80 - 10 of 24 days

Not much has changed. Still fastinkg. Still only eating once a day. Still not exercising. So I apologize if there isn't a daily post but it's a stale blog when I'm writing the same thing day in and day out. I also find myself repeating meals - which is pretty boring too so I save everyone the hassle of reading and the hassle of me writing and just skip the day. 

Yesterday however I made a tuna melt which was super yummy!! And definitely a change from my scrambled eggs. And with carrots and fruit as my sides I can tell my portions are getting smaller. 

Well that was until today - when there was a pot luck at school. Then I had a feast. Twice. I was super sad to skip out on the homemade German Chocolate cupcakes I made until 12:30am the night before, cuz man those look delicious.  The only thing that keep me going strong is the fact that I made them - which means I can make them anytime - especially two weeks from now when the fast is over! But all the other food I could eat was great! Lots of chicken - it was awesome. 

I can tell this no food fast is getting to my brain though. I'm getting dumber each day. I can't think and even when I do it's all wrong. I see why now that food is an essential part of life and well being. So I can't wait to be regular so I can be smart again.

Yesterday's lunch. And today's is too shameful to post so forget that. 

German Chocolate cake. This is the original - I've since altered the recipe into cupcakes. 

Prayer keeps me together. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Day 77 - Day 7 of 24

Alright 1 week down!!! Not too much to report today. Have church for two hours helped pass the time. Fast ended at noon but I still didn't eat until 4 because there was so much going on, but I was okay with that - hungry but okay.

Nothing new to eat today. Had another omelet - same as the other day. It was still just as yummy! I gotta think of some things to eat this week though. I feel like I'm going to be too busy to make anything of substance. Guess I'll be eating omletes all week - which I will NOT complain about because they're pretty darn good. 

One thing I will say is that I'm surprised by the results I've gotten in two months though. See below. Definitely is motivating. Results is the best motivator because a lot of the time it feels as though nothing is happening, then next thing you know you look back and BAM! You end up lookin goooood!!

Except my bum, looks like I need to work on the a bit - LOL.

January 6th - March 14th to be exact.

Still have some work but dang I look good!!

Always gotta show the plate!! It's only 1 meal a day sooo!! And for the record - I skipped biscuits yesterday!!

Day 76 - Race Day 2

And it's still day 6 of 24 while this is all happening. And like a lazy bones I didn't get up, like I wanted, before 6 so I could at least get some good water in before the fast time. So I'm off to this Get Lucky 7k probably already dehydrated, but I got God so that's all I need.

I get to the race and take some pictures and then stand around and wait for it to start. I was at least smarter this time by not showing up too early - like the Polar Dash. The race started off fine, jogging and keeping my pace just fine. I went through the normal stuff I do when running, body starts feeling sore, chest burns, mouth waters; but I know I'll get over it so I just keep pressing on. It's a lovely day with Sunshine and a slight brisk air. I got to the 3 mile mark before I was really starting to feel like I needed to walk. I knew if I started walking I would then set it off and I'd be run walking the whole rest of the time.

But hey, I gotta do what I gotta do. I had to walk, my legs were starting to feel like jello and I was wearing down. So I started walking, speed walking, but still not running. So for the rest of the time that's how it went. Run - walk - run - walk. After the 4k flag it was hard to judge how much farther there was to go, but I just kept pressing. My goal was to make it under an hour, and my RunKeeper was telling me I was getting close to my time so I needed to speed it up!

And then I saw it - the finish line!! Yes!! I almost want to pick up pace but I couldn't feel my legs, so that wasn't happening. But I at least kept up my jogging pace - and the finish line was definite motivation. And then - I crossed the finish line!! It was finally over!! Now to just wait for the results!!

Gettin ready for the race!! Lookin good and feeling great!! I love how I'm always so motivated for these things.

Best moment of the whole race. Got to a bridge with these beautiful view and "How Great is Our God" comes on the MP3! Nothing but smiles were on my face. Beautiful moment!!

This was the race. Didn't seem that far on the road:)

And there it is - made it more under my goal than I thought - so happy!! Now onto a new goal - the Tiki Run 10k in July!!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Day 75 - Day 5 of 24

It was anothe pretty easy day - thank the Lord. I will say tho - I was pretty tempted to have Tacos for lunch - which would normally be fine if it wasn't for the Doritos I use as a base! Doritos on the fast are a big no no because chips are a pleasurable item. Then I almost though about cheating with the Dorito shell they sell off the shelf - but that would only make me feel like a cheater and not satisfied, so I just skipped the whole idea. Discipline! Wish I had this much when I wasn't doing extreme diets or on a fast.

I just ate today the same thing as yesterday. And I was thankful that the other have of the omelet I made didn't turn out tasting like leftovers. I hate that! It tasted just as it did yesterday - and that was definitely satisfying. Well except for the point that I wish there had been more of it - LOL. 

Worst part of the day - it's Friday and that means donuts at work. And of coarse they couldn't just make it regular donut day but there also had to be pies. And I didn't look at the table too long, but I believe one was French silk - gulp. Good thing I didn't state too long cuz my stomach probably would start hurting and my mouth salivating like never before. And since the food cube is on the way to the bathroom, I had to take another route the rest of the day. I mean, why torture myself. 

The Get Lucky is tomorrow.... Hope I'm ready. I better pray for some strength!!

Had my pre-op appointment today. (Kidney stone surgery next Friday) And one of the things was to get weighed. I don't want to look because my official weight days are the last day of the month but I couldn't help it. 150.1 lbs!! I had an appointment on Tuesday about the "mass" in my uterus and I was 153.2 - so that's 3 lbs in 3 days! This should get pretty interesting...

Again - if I have to suffer looking at this stuff so do you!!

Different fruit but pretty much the same meal. I know I know - but the biscuits are soooooooo good. Bought 5 more boxes today LOL

If the biscuits weren't in my life I think I'd really be starving!! (It makes me feel better knowing that - okay? Hahahaha)

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Day 71 - Day 4 of 24

4 down - 20 to go. Really it's not even that serious - I mean - I kinda already did this a couple months ago - just a little different. Not to say I'm not starving every day and hanging on for dear life for 4pm to come along, but as long as I keep busy - once 4 hits and I got food in my belly, I'm like "well that wasn't so bad" hahahahha. 

I can tell I'm getting fuller on less food even more so today. I made this super tasty omelet - and I could only eat half of it!! And I could only eat 3 biscuits today instead of 4 (L.O.L.) - but I was still satisfied for the most part. Until I got home from school - then I was a tad hungry. I ate an orange, but only for the simple fact that - if I squeezed the juice out it would be a beverage and that's acceptable so let's just skip all the work and get straight to my belly.

Here's the menu today:
- omelet with: spinach, mushrooms, turkey breakfast sausage.
- cheddar bay biscuits
- watermelon

It's not much - but it was filling and it looked like a lot. And you know the secret to that? Cover your eggs while they cook - they puff up and make it look like a lot - without actually being a lot!!

Hope day 5 is as easy as today.

Looked so good - tasted even better. Good thing I have half of it saved for tomorrow - I love looking forward to food.

I know - the biscuits are killing me..

So true.. Lol!

Day 70 - Day 3 of 24

This has been the hardest days of the fast so far. I was very hungry this morning, probably because I was at work early this morning and at least had something to drink before the fast - which set my stomach up for failure pretty much. But I prayed through it and made it though the day.

But let me tell you - when 4 o'clock hit - I was ready to smash some food after my prayer. I ate mostly left overs from day 1 - with an addition to more Cheddar Bay Biscuits. Yes I went to the store to buy more because those were so dang good - I may even eat some tomorrow too! Something new to be addicted to I guess - sad but oh so real!

As I was eating the apple cinnamon pancakes and I felt as if my esophagus has gotten smaller - I could barely swallow them. I don't know if it was because they were dryer than the first day I made them or what but it was difficult. I wonder if it's even possible to have trouble swallowing food when fasting. Or maybe I need to slow down? I know I'm super hungry and smash the food so fast - so maybe I just need to slow down and enjoy.

But if I slow down I won't get as much in.... Sad. 

Most difficult point of the day - watching my son eat this incredibly delicious looking chocolate chunk cookie. It was so hard to say "no thank you" when he tried sharing with me. Seriously. So. Hard. But I know - 24 days is a rather short amount of time when compared to a year - I will get that cookie soon enough. At least that's what I tell myself. 

Haha - now you get to suffer too - in addition to the cookie - that is a Nesquick thin mints chocolate milk - I also wonder how yummy it was. 

And there's my meal once again - just not in the mass quantity as the first day.


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Day 69 - Day 2 of 24

I get hungry all day long. The hunger pain doesn't last long, but still. I will say that I make better meal choices and think a lot more about what I will make to complete my meal - when I only have one meal a day. I want to fit everything in and make sure I'm getting enough nutrients. I will admit I am lacking in the vegetables department though. Those just don't seem as appealing as the fruit and other stuff. 

Today I made:
- Paleo Orange chicken
- sautéed zucchini
- Alfredo noodles
- cheddar bay biscuits
- cantaloupe
- strawberries
- orange

Like I said - lacking in the vegetables department a bit:) I got some baby carrots for tomorrow though.

Today was such a beautiful day outside - wish I could've enjoyed it with a nice run. I didn't dare go though, this sinus headache already is kickin my butt - I drink it'd just make it worse with my head bouncing around. Can't wait til I'm not sick anymore - but regardless - Get Lucky is Saturday so there won't be any excuses then. 

The biscuits alone just make me salivate..

But them and the noodles almost put me over my calories for the day!! Holy Mack!!


Day 68 - Day 1 of 24

I survived the first day of the fast. There was a couple moments where I was starting to get the hunger pains, but the moment didn't last long. Everything is easy the first day though.  Once it was time to eat - I scarfed down the biggest meal ever!
- scrambled eggs with turkey breakfast sausage
- Paleo apple cinnamon pancakes
- cantaloupe 

Doesn't seem like a lot, but the amount of food on my plate seemed sufficient enough for 2 people. But we only get one meal a day so I gotta make it good. The more Paleo I make it - the more of it I can eat because it'll be good for me.

I will admit that the breakfast sausage isn't paleo, nor is the slice of cheese on my eggs - but if that's as bad as it gets - compared to my eating habits last month - then in doing pretty good!! So happy to say we are off to a great start - physically and spiritually. Well as phyically as I can be I guess, since I woke up this morning with my face feeling like its gonna explode. Sinuses - UGH! I seemed to avoid it all winter and now, ironically following the crap food month, I have a head cold or sinus infection - I'm not quite sure but it sucks!!

Well said Ice Cube! LOL

My meal for the day!

The calorie intake of my one meal - still have nearly 500 unused calories so I know the app will yell at me today 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Day 64 - Haven't started yet

So this is pretty disappointing - how can I go from all gung ho about diet and exercise to totally fizzling out. I actually find it sad. It's on my mind every day. I want to blog every day, but I haven't been doing anything to even write about. My husband and I are still sharing one car, so I am in the same situation as far as not getting any sleep as I was a few days ago. My daily routine goes as such:

1. Wake up at 12:30am and pick Emp up        at 1am
2. Get home at 1:30am and go to sleep
3. Set the alarm for 4am, but when it goes off, accidentally turn it off and wake up at 5am in panic mode
4. Get ready and go to work, mostly by 6-6:15am
5. Work until 1pm - and yes I know this isn't a full day - which just means I get to come in on the weekend to make it up
6. Go home by 1:30 and bring Emp to work by 2.
7. Usually I go home until 4pm, but this week I've been going back to work so I don't have so much to make up on the weekend. 
8. Leave for school, which starts at 5:15pm
8. Learn at school until 9pm
9. Get home by 9:30
10. Go to sleep, mainly by 10pm
11. Sleep until 12:30 - and start all over again. 

And this is why I don't get anything done for myself. I don't even have time to meal prep, which leaves me to eat at the mercy of whatever I want. Hopefully my husbands car will get done this week finally and I can get back to me!! I was feeling much better when I was eating right and hittin the gym almost every day. Now I'm groggy and lethargic - I definitely don't want to feel like this everyday anymore. 

And now we're planning a vacation!! 3 months to get this body together - gotta look Hot!!! Even though the fast is coming up, I gotta do more. The Get Lucky is only a week away. I feel like I'm going to do worse than I tho.

Breakfast and snack - I do what I ca when I able.

MyFitnessPal is also a bit annoying.

How I feel most days. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Day 61 - Fast plans

After hearing the fasting plans at Church yesterday - I will not be as outgoing now through the start of it as one would have hoped. The fast is so intense and will be way more food discipline than one would've thought. I didn't go back to eating the crap like I was a few days ago, but beef and pork are omback on the menu until March 9. So here's the highlights of the fast.
1. So eating or drinking until 4pm 
2.  When allowed to eat and drink, only 1 meal - no red meats or sugar
3. No social media or tv watching
4. Pray 4 times a day
5. The last 3 days of the fast will be a continuous fast 

Yes that's right. No food - no drink - for 3 straight days. That will be challenging for sure. I'll feel sorry for the people who will have to deal with me. I may be a little cranky.

No exercise yet. Sad I know, but the plans need to be delayed another week. I don't have enough time to do everything I need to do. Once my husbands car is up and running, opens my available time up to do what I want. I want to run in the morning before work, then do weights in the afternoon or evening. Can't run when I have to be at work at 4am:( I know that's only one excuse because I could be doing something in the evening too, but I'm just lazy - tired - and worn out! Need my energy back!! Grrrrrr

Going to be tough but worth it!!

I almost ate one of these today - but I resisted!! The "Only 1 won't hurt me" almost got me but I was stronger!!

So true!!