Thursday, December 31, 2015

Day 6 - My First Dessert

I woke up early today to attend a workout class at the gym. I actually woke up before the alarm and didn't feel like going back to sleep! That's a good sign! So I got up and got dressed after Facebook scrolling for a few minutes, and actually had time to make myself breakfast. 

Pinapple, mango, coconut milk, and ice to make my smoothie. I wish I had some Protien powder to put in there. I seen this Chai Protien powder on the Bob's Mill website. I wonder what that tastes like because I like Chai! I haven't looked up any benefits associated with that either so much to look into. And my side of banana. I've been trying to keep those in my diet, and I've had less foot cramps because of it. Bonus!

Attended this class and it wasn't too bad. Even though I got up early, I still managed to be almost late. So I didn't get to pick the weights I needed, just enough time to get my step and get going. So this class is 50% cardio and 50% strength. It's a pretty fun upbeat class, teacher was well informative with the moves also so it made it easy to follow. Not like my feet were but my brain was. I worked it and thought I was done with that half, and I shouldn't even have looked at the clock because it actually had only been 15 minutes. Ugh! I continued to muscle through the class even though my legs were jello and the weights weren't heavy enough, and the squats were definitely not low enough. I finished and on my way to the day. And that's why I like early morning workouts. 

I get home an nuzzle into the couch with a grapefruit and almond chips to continue season 6 of The Walking Dead marathon. I managed to take a break later in the afternoon to make some real food, eggs and bacon, and finally a chance to make a dessert!!

Paleo Triple Layer Chocolate Caramel Layer Slice. And man that top layer made with avocado was sooo good! I only made half a batch - which was 4 bars - but I will definitely consider making these again. 

That's the beautiful thing about Paleo, I can still have all the good stuff - just made without all the bad stuff. 

Day 5 - My Healthscore

I had my Healthscore assessment today. Lucky for me, as a new member it's free, but if I want it again it's $100 - eek! So what they do, is take your blood pressure, prick your finger and do a blood analysis, have you stand of that machine to measure body fat, and then put all the results together and give you a score. 

So the only thing I got docked for was percent body fat. No surprise there. He was alarmed at my glucose level which was 42, and apparently normal is 60, even though my mom said 70, but people only get docked if it's too high, not too low. But the number makes sense, since I'm not eating grains and sugar. My mom said my glucose level is similar to someone in a coma, so I better figure a way to get my levels to normal while keeping my dietary lifestyle. 

So here's the body fat, no surprise here. I'm at the very top of average. But I need to get it down to 16-20. Sounds easy enough. I'm sure I'll get there. 

Here's this screen again, looks a tad bit different than the other day, but not so different that it makes a difference. But I just found out a little more this time. And the number I'm focusing on is the 19 lbs if fat, and the PBF (percent body fat). As long as those reduce then I'll feel much better. 

Just a couple of other number I'll be watching. Maybe in a year I'll do another assessment. Should be interesting.

No exercise for me today. But I did buy a fabulous black dress and now I have the motivation I need. I look good in it already but I know I can look better! So excited to show you in a few weeks!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Day 4 - On My Own

So I tried working out on my own today. And by that I mean not attending a class. It's not as fun and motivating as one would think.

I started out thinking I was going to do an hour on this contraption. I wasn't but 10 minutes in and decided to switch up the routine. My thighs and calves here on fire! And because I was by myself, it was easy to give up, or maybe something to build up to. Maybe I set my goals too high. None-the-less I stayed on the machine for 15 minutes.

And then I did 6 reps of 15 on these two Free Motion machines. 

And then I set out to do 1/2 hour on this machine, but again only ended up doing 15 minutes. And that is what I discovered about working out by myself. Even though I keep busy, it's much easier to move around. After this it was hot tub and steam room! Ahhhhh - how blissful. After all that I didn't really feel like I did a whole lot, and almost felt bad about it. That is until I left the locker room and my whole body felt like jello. Then I felt a lot more satisfied with what I had done. I don't want to burn myself out, and I won't start off being work out champion of the year, and I will achieve my goal so it's all good!  

But man was I hungry today!! I started work at 3am, and as soon as I got there I ate my chili, couple hours later I had an orange. When I got home, more eggs and chorizo, with a few of these bad boys:

And I must say they aren't bad. I know I'm trying to stay away from processed foods, but sometimes a girl needs a little something crunchy in her life!! And dispite what they say they're made of, they taste nuttier than I imagined. And then came dinner - the masterpiece of them all:

Fried zucchini in ghee with some salt and pepper; salmon with ghee, lemon, salt &I pepper, and thyme; and a grapefruit (not pictured). It was SO good - I'm definitely making it again. Zucchini had a little too much salt but other than that I was a perfect dish:) Mmmmmm.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Day 3 - Work-It Session

My new membership at Lifetime came with a free "Move-It" session. I used that today. All it was is a session with a personal trainer to discuss goals, my achievement plan, an overview of some of the newer machines, and she showed me a couple of techniques I could use on some of the machines and equipment to target some of my problem areas. Which are: my back fat of a muffin top, and my lack of booty. I know that all in due time, especially if I keep it up. But who's gonna hold me accountable? Can I have a few volunteers please?

So while I was there I stepped on this machine that ran electrical currents through my body and read my body mass ratio fat ratio stuff. So here it is - to no surprise. I'll be doing this once a month to map progress. I'm so glad they have this machine. Back many years ago, I joined Golds Gym, and to measure body fat, they physically pulled the skin in various parts of my body and measured it. That was so embarrassing. This was much easier to intake. Probably because I don't really understand the numbers, it just looks cool. 

I probably should have taken the picture before I ate two of these bad boys today but I didn't think of it, I was too hungry. I had a banana and a coffee for breakfast at 8am, and didn't get back home to eat until 2. I definitely wasn't going to spend money on eating out so I thought I'd wait. Which I feel pretty good about:) I ate one of these with some plain scrambled eggs. And then had a grapefruit a few hours later, and for dinner had a sweet potato fries in sugar free bacon grease and another sausage.

So yummy! And yes it's on a paper towel to soak up the excess grease. And yes I said fried in sugar free bacon grease. Don't you keep your bacon grease for frying? If you don't you should. Fry potatoes, chicken, anything really. And since I use that sugar free bacon now - all the better:)

Like the trainer said today - take it all in small strides. Mmmmm......bacon. 

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Day 2 -Tried Yoga

My bestie Angie and I went to Slowburn Yoga before church today. I'm not the best at yoga but it was a nice start of the day/week. I wasn't feelin too sore from the two classes yesterday - well that was until she had us do some kinda squat pose and my thighs started yelling at me. So needless to say they weren't the lowest squats but I did them none-the-less. And the back bend, which I once did so easily, wasn't feeling the greatest either, and I don't know if it's because of the lower back exercises from the TCX class or because I'm just not as limber as I used to be. We shall see because I think I'd like to continue with this routine, but we'll see if it works out. It did feel nice to stretch everything out.

Tried the protein shake at the Lifetime Cafe today after Yoga. Whey Protien, coconut milk, strawberry, and Pineapple. Tasted more Protien then anything else, but it was good. Probably not part of the routine, but I remember the P90X system always had a protein shake after the workouts. So probably not a bad idea if I made them myself though. 
I always thought whey was a grain of some sort, but when I looked at the menu I saw "grass-fed whey" and I was confused so I looked it up:

Whey protein is a mixture of globular proteins isolated from whey, the liquid material created as a by-product of cheese production. Whey protein is commonly marketed as a dietary supplement, and various health claims have been attributed to it in the alternative medicine community.

By product of cheese? That's sounds nasty. Also another reason I won't be having them too much - I cut out dairy. 

But I did have a delicious first meal after church. Eggs with green pepper, onion, and garlic; sweet potato fried in ghee, sugar free bacon (my fav!!), and OJ. Hopefully I'll cut done on the portion one day, but I was starved! And with this dietary plan I'm on, I can eat as much as I want.
What dietary plan you ask? No dairy, no sugar, no grains. Easy enough:)
I did happen to sneak some chili in that I made later that night, which was actually very fabulous. This dietary plan usually is without beans as well, but I think they're actually good for you in moderation. 

So here's the before picture. I thought I'd save you from having sore eyes and kept my shirt on - but I'll continue to give updates with these same exact clothes and you can see the difference in how they fit - and maybe some day I can take a bikini picture of the actual final results! Yay! 

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Day 1 - Yes, I'm back at 1

So last year didn't turn out so well. Same ole story. Lost weight - Gained weight - lost - gained - then gave up. So here I am again to give it another good try. Hopefully I find something that finally sticks. I would love this to be a lifestyle change and not a this year change. That's why I'm starting before the new year because I don't want this to be a resolution. I'm starting now - and there's no time like the present. I don't have any day 1 body shots - but if you remember last year - it pretty much looks just like that!

My main focus is strength training and endurance. I'm going for the Spartan Ultra Beast challenge this year. It's in August - so that gives me 8 months! The regular Beast was exhausting enough - I have to come fully prepared this time. 

So here's what my day 1 was like:

I started my day in a cycle class. Mind you, the last time I tried to ride a bike in the morning, it proved to be a painful experience. I already had it in my head that I was pushing it, but hey - let's give it a whirl. I soon discovered it wasn't any less painful then I remembered, only this time, there were a room full of people judging my every move if I stopped - awesome. So as I cycling away, my thighs on fire and my crotch numb as heo TCXll, I look at the lady in front of me. Now her intbutt is way smaller than mine and I see what it looks like compared to the small bike seat and I can only be thankful that I'm in the back row because I'm sure the seat has been swallowed up in my if ol butt at this point. I finished none-the-less but I really don't know if it's for me. Maybe every once in awhile.
I moved from that class and straight TCX - which isn't a very good idea following a cycle class by the way. And that class was more difficult than the first TCX class I took. But it's one I really enjoy. After all that I was done for the day.

Got home from the gym and grocery store and I was starving! Time to get to work on a poor mans paleo diet. Eggs, with oinon, garlic, green pepper, and tuna. So yummy! Probably gonna eat that a lot!

I also found and tried these bad boys today. Don't get too excited - they tasted like tomato. I was expecting a wow factor and just got blah.
So all in all it was pretty successful day 1.  But then again - aren't they all?

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Day 200 - After the 10k

So I can't say that I don't deserve the results for my 10k I had last night. 6.214 miles in 80 minutes. So it's not terrible, and to be honest, that's what I thought I'd get, but still - goes to show my plan that I thought would work didn't. I thought if I rested I would just spring into action - and that wasn't the case! Sad, but I'm glad because now I'm getting the motivation I need to do what I need to do.

And what is that? Eat right and exercise! At the same time! I know each separately works. The eating right gets faster results, but both get results individually - and now it's time to put them together. I'm just kidding myself thinking it's working because clearly, from these body shots, where I look like I haven't done a thing in the past 7 months, is not good. Time to put down the donuts and get serious! Time is running out!

Results from the Tiki Run

And there it is! I don't dare lift the shirt either. So disappointing- you don't even have to tell me

Some fun shots from the run:)

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Day 198 - I'm Glad You Asked

Seems like I never have time to write in this blog! I swear I've started one like 5 times now and never finished, some I wrote a title but nothing in the body. I just want to sleep when I get home and I'm so busy during the day that I don't have time. My schedule is tight and I've always got to be somewhere! Things will definitely slow down once I graduate! Then what will I do with my time??? 

So I've really been working at this boxing thing! It's actually really fun, but I don't know if I have what it takes to be a boxer. I'm not really a violent person like that and hitting someone for competition doesn't really seem like a great idea to me - but I definitely like the workout! Dalton, my trainer, does a lot of strength training with me the first 30-45 minutes, and then we box for the last 15-30 minutes. I've never sweat so much in my life! It's kinda gross actually, sweat dripping off my hair, down my back, ick! But I really feel like I'm workin out for once! It's great! 

If you ever think about giving it a try - check out his gym at - you won't be disappointed!! 

I've been laying off the running the past two weeks and to be honest I can totally tell! I didn't want to overwork myself and then fail at this 10k I have tomorrow, so I've been taking it easy. But after the Saturday run -  I'm getting back to it! I wanna go back to running 5 mornings a week and then boxing 3 times! By the time October comes around we'll be ready for the BEAST!

And I know what you're thinking - man this chick flips flops a lot! Honestly I don't know what my problem is - I am can either eat super healthy and not exercise, or I exercise and eat like crap - why can't it be both! Maybe I'm too extreme - maybe I'm not extreme enough??? Maybe I should get hypnotized into not liking food?? That would be awesome!! Wish I had the budget for my whole family to eat from whole foods! I know last year it was $100 a week almost for just me! Granted I was making meals from scratch and actually had time to food prep, which was great! Not now a days! I don't have time for anything!! And then when I do - meal prep is furthest from my mind - how bout some deep house cleaning or laundry that takes priority - or even better yet - throwing my hands up in the air and forgetting it all - just so I can spend some peaceful time being a couch potato - it's terrible! How does one do it?? Kelly Ripa would know - she's a super woman! 

New thing: Giving up Pork for life. Deadline: my birthday - August 4th! So I'll enjoy some last bits while I can and then that's it - game over for porky!

Getting it in with Mr Dalton Outlaw!!

I've decided to be my own inspiration! I look back at old photos and think "man do I look good! And I wasn't happy with that??" Gotta get back to it!!

I had to do ya'll - that hot dog bites pizza at Pizza Hut - man was it good! Prolly have to have another before my birthday!! You have got to try it!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Day 169 - Still at it!!

Oh yes - I'm still at it! And loving every minute of it. And I know - you've heard this all before, but I really feel like I'm on the right track. I'm eating healthy, but not be a nazi about it. But I'm not eating whatever I want whenever I want either. I'm suffering through the passing of the donuts or cakes or even ice creams!! Even though every day I crave chocolate ice cream at the end of my day - but I leave it at that - a craving! That is until Saturday - then I will indulge because I deserve it!

My workouts are fantabulous! The trainers got me workin my butt off -  Or ON I should say! I'm just so motivated everyday - I almost want to do that training every day! But I won't because I also need to make time to run - which I do! I just feel so great the next day after a workout! I love being pushed - being held accountable - there's no way I'd work this hard by myself in my living room or gym. Then on my off days I run! And if I miss the morning run then I run at night! I don't want to miss it because I'm now set on that body image that I had at the beginning of the year. And if I wasn't already doing enough - I walk almost two miles on my lunch break at work! Oh yes - I get sweaty - but oh well - it'll all be worth it!

I told my trainer I will be his best transformation story yet! And I mean it! My mind is set and my body is going. It's my taste buds I'm worried about! 

I haven't seen any results on the scale yet - but I try not to get discouraged because I heard that muscle weighs more than fat so maybe that's what it is. I need to get over the yearning for instant results! Hard work and dedication will get me to where I need to be! 

I will be cutting out Dairy next week though - so good bye cereal - and I guess hello coconut ice cream LOL! Not only will I feel better but my skin will clear up as well. 

Yes - that's a 6 mile bike ride - and it was at the crack of dawn! I like to switch up activities to keep my body guessing as to what I'm working on next. This ride was torture though - legs were BURNing!

Here's an idea as to my activities on a weekly basis - I hope I can increase my endurance and run for longer! I've got that 10K run in July! I need to stop slackin!!

Some of my favorite healthy snacks lately! And that Cinnamon Raisin Peanut Butter is the BEST!!

Even though I try to make healthier choices - I still end up going over my allotted calories! Ugh!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Day 160 - I'm back....for real this time!

So about 40 days ago I said I was back.... well, that didn't last very long. Once off the wagon I have found its much easier to just stay off. Maybe walk along side the wagon, jump on once in awhile to take the stress off, but then jump right back off. It's much easier to not exercise and eat whatever I want. Then I don't have to think about it. Every day I thought about the struggle though. Seems like my pants went from fitting just fine to barely getting them to button - like the fat just caught up on me one night. Honestly! Why can't it disappear that fast too? 

Well you should know that I've been doing good for about two weeks now. I'm confident in my strategy to start blogging again. I've been running nearly every morning. And honestly that was the hardest part because I've been doing it outside and in the morning. I struggle with my alarm clock because I'm tired, but if I wake up late, I make it a short 1.5 miles, approx. if I get up on time I can do a full 3 miles. There's been more short miles than full ones though. But I'm happy because it's more than I was doing in prior weeks and as long as I keep doing it the strength will come and my distance will increase naturally. Just like last Friday I did a short run and got my fastest time ever! Honestly don't know how that happened but glad it did!

I also have been to a personal trainer twice now, but continue to go every other day. It's only been twice because I just started. So far so good. Found muscles I didn't even know I had and I'm sore in places I didn't think could be sore. I'm ready to get this body I've never had! Even though people say I look good for having five kids, it's still not good enough to me. Now that I'm done having kids - I want that knockout body! And I WILL have it!! 

Now just to fix my sugar addiction....

There it is! Fastest 1-3 mile run!! Yesssss!

By myself or with my husband I keep it going!! Run run run!!

Been trying to make better choices!! My new water cup - don't know why but through a straw is always best!!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Day 110 - I'm back!!!

The It's been a long time since I've been with the program. It's only been a month or so but seems like forever. I hope I can get back into the swing of things. Last I left off I was fasting with the church and couldn't exercise because of a kidney stone. Well here's some updates.

I went back to the doctor for my post op appointment and the stone was still there. It didn't even look like it moved or broke up at all since the first procedure. So unfortunately for me, another surgery was scheduled. This time they were going to break it up with a laser and pull as many pieces out as they could. And what I found out afterwards is that they went in 40 times to remove pieces, 4-0!! That's crazy. And it was more painful this time too, but I got through it. Today was my second post op appointment. They removed the stent and now I'm ready to get back with the program! Yesterday I went to the trampoline park with my bestie - but don't tell the doc that - LOL!

The fast had also ended since my last post. It wasn't as bad as I thought. The last three days, where there was no eating at all, was pretty brutal, but I got through it none-the-less. I was really getting tired of people telling me how tired I looked! I hadn't eaten in three days, what do you expect!! My first meal when it ended was of course - Chipotle! And boy was I regrettably full afterwards. I really wanted some cold stone creamery afterwards too but there was just no room! I actually came home and passed out on the couch for a little nap just to settle my stomach. Apparently I looked much better the next day because everyone told me so. I also lost 6 lbs during that journey.

But lazy time is over. I don't have weigh in until the 30th, so idk how much of the fasting weight over gained back since all this free eating and no exercise. But I'm ready to get back on it. I've got a vacation to Tennessee at the end of May and I like to look and feel good when I go out of town. So let's get with this!! Shouldn't be anything standing in the way now!!

I've prepped some fruit into the freezer for some morning protein shakes. I've remade some turkey brats - but still need to make the eggs. Only thing left is to figure out the exercise programs that works best for me and do it. Most likely it'll be back to running after school at the gym until it gets nice outside! Then I may switch to running in the AM and weights at night. Who knows? But I gotta do it. Not only for vacation but gotta train for the 10k in July!! Go me!!

My breakfast shake me prep!

Tacos and rice Krispy treats as a last meal.

The stent installed from my kidney to bladder, and of course the large kidney stone. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Day 82 - Surgery Day!!

Finally - it happened! Now to get these stones flushed out and me be on my happy drinking water from now on way.

Got up early this morning to prepare myself. I know it's not a huge surgery, but I'm still under anesthesia and still at the doctors mercy, so it can be stressful just the same. I think I've seen Kill Bill too many times that it all is very uncomforting. But my spirits were up and prayers with me so here we go!! Haven't eaten since 1pm the day prior, haven't drank anything since 10pm the night prior, so I was ready to get this done with just so I could eat. So they wheel me into the surgery room, start taking deep breathes of oxygen while they pumped me up and I was OUT!

Next thing I know is I was waking up in recovery. First things first - where's the water!!   Then I had some graham crackers, and u was good to go!! Took it easy the rest of the day!

On a better note - just signed up for the The Tike fun - 10k - so it's official!! And now commence training!!

I have surgery today, but first let me take a selfie

This is a Stent. They are installing of these into my body

Applying the sound waves to break up the stones into passable sizes. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Day 81 - 11 of 24

Ok well - surgery for these kidney stones is tomorrow. Can't wait for this to be done! 

I was supposed to drink this Magnesium Citrate stuff at 4pm and begin a clear fluid diet until midnight, but because the fast ends at 4 and that's the time I'm scarfing food in my face, I needed to modify the fast. The directions for the citrate stuff said to take it two hours after eating. So now that pushes the fast to end at 2, but I ended it at 1 just for good measure. Just to be sure the food at least had a chance to digest and get in my system before being forced out. And because of my lack for planning - I didn't have anything to eat at work. So I ordered Jimmy Johns. A good tuna sandwich will do the body good. And it tasted good too so that's at least good. And then after that - on to clear fluids. The rest of the night.

I already can't wait until tomorrow afternoon!

I forgot to take a picture of my actual sandwich, but this will work. Mine didn't have as much tuna as this one though. 

Here's a good reason to know how much your eating!! 1 sandwich - so many calories.

And just in case you were wondering what they looked like. Cuz I never did. 

Day 80 - 10 of 24 days

Not much has changed. Still fastinkg. Still only eating once a day. Still not exercising. So I apologize if there isn't a daily post but it's a stale blog when I'm writing the same thing day in and day out. I also find myself repeating meals - which is pretty boring too so I save everyone the hassle of reading and the hassle of me writing and just skip the day. 

Yesterday however I made a tuna melt which was super yummy!! And definitely a change from my scrambled eggs. And with carrots and fruit as my sides I can tell my portions are getting smaller. 

Well that was until today - when there was a pot luck at school. Then I had a feast. Twice. I was super sad to skip out on the homemade German Chocolate cupcakes I made until 12:30am the night before, cuz man those look delicious.  The only thing that keep me going strong is the fact that I made them - which means I can make them anytime - especially two weeks from now when the fast is over! But all the other food I could eat was great! Lots of chicken - it was awesome. 

I can tell this no food fast is getting to my brain though. I'm getting dumber each day. I can't think and even when I do it's all wrong. I see why now that food is an essential part of life and well being. So I can't wait to be regular so I can be smart again.

Yesterday's lunch. And today's is too shameful to post so forget that. 

German Chocolate cake. This is the original - I've since altered the recipe into cupcakes. 

Prayer keeps me together. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Day 77 - Day 7 of 24

Alright 1 week down!!! Not too much to report today. Have church for two hours helped pass the time. Fast ended at noon but I still didn't eat until 4 because there was so much going on, but I was okay with that - hungry but okay.

Nothing new to eat today. Had another omelet - same as the other day. It was still just as yummy! I gotta think of some things to eat this week though. I feel like I'm going to be too busy to make anything of substance. Guess I'll be eating omletes all week - which I will NOT complain about because they're pretty darn good. 

One thing I will say is that I'm surprised by the results I've gotten in two months though. See below. Definitely is motivating. Results is the best motivator because a lot of the time it feels as though nothing is happening, then next thing you know you look back and BAM! You end up lookin goooood!!

Except my bum, looks like I need to work on the a bit - LOL.

January 6th - March 14th to be exact.

Still have some work but dang I look good!!

Always gotta show the plate!! It's only 1 meal a day sooo!! And for the record - I skipped biscuits yesterday!!