Sunday, December 27, 2015

Day 2 -Tried Yoga

My bestie Angie and I went to Slowburn Yoga before church today. I'm not the best at yoga but it was a nice start of the day/week. I wasn't feelin too sore from the two classes yesterday - well that was until she had us do some kinda squat pose and my thighs started yelling at me. So needless to say they weren't the lowest squats but I did them none-the-less. And the back bend, which I once did so easily, wasn't feeling the greatest either, and I don't know if it's because of the lower back exercises from the TCX class or because I'm just not as limber as I used to be. We shall see because I think I'd like to continue with this routine, but we'll see if it works out. It did feel nice to stretch everything out.

Tried the protein shake at the Lifetime Cafe today after Yoga. Whey Protien, coconut milk, strawberry, and Pineapple. Tasted more Protien then anything else, but it was good. Probably not part of the routine, but I remember the P90X system always had a protein shake after the workouts. So probably not a bad idea if I made them myself though. 
I always thought whey was a grain of some sort, but when I looked at the menu I saw "grass-fed whey" and I was confused so I looked it up:

Whey protein is a mixture of globular proteins isolated from whey, the liquid material created as a by-product of cheese production. Whey protein is commonly marketed as a dietary supplement, and various health claims have been attributed to it in the alternative medicine community.

By product of cheese? That's sounds nasty. Also another reason I won't be having them too much - I cut out dairy. 

But I did have a delicious first meal after church. Eggs with green pepper, onion, and garlic; sweet potato fried in ghee, sugar free bacon (my fav!!), and OJ. Hopefully I'll cut done on the portion one day, but I was starved! And with this dietary plan I'm on, I can eat as much as I want.
What dietary plan you ask? No dairy, no sugar, no grains. Easy enough:)
I did happen to sneak some chili in that I made later that night, which was actually very fabulous. This dietary plan usually is without beans as well, but I think they're actually good for you in moderation. 

So here's the before picture. I thought I'd save you from having sore eyes and kept my shirt on - but I'll continue to give updates with these same exact clothes and you can see the difference in how they fit - and maybe some day I can take a bikini picture of the actual final results! Yay! 

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