Monday, December 28, 2015

Day 3 - Work-It Session

My new membership at Lifetime came with a free "Move-It" session. I used that today. All it was is a session with a personal trainer to discuss goals, my achievement plan, an overview of some of the newer machines, and she showed me a couple of techniques I could use on some of the machines and equipment to target some of my problem areas. Which are: my back fat of a muffin top, and my lack of booty. I know that all in due time, especially if I keep it up. But who's gonna hold me accountable? Can I have a few volunteers please?

So while I was there I stepped on this machine that ran electrical currents through my body and read my body mass ratio fat ratio stuff. So here it is - to no surprise. I'll be doing this once a month to map progress. I'm so glad they have this machine. Back many years ago, I joined Golds Gym, and to measure body fat, they physically pulled the skin in various parts of my body and measured it. That was so embarrassing. This was much easier to intake. Probably because I don't really understand the numbers, it just looks cool. 

I probably should have taken the picture before I ate two of these bad boys today but I didn't think of it, I was too hungry. I had a banana and a coffee for breakfast at 8am, and didn't get back home to eat until 2. I definitely wasn't going to spend money on eating out so I thought I'd wait. Which I feel pretty good about:) I ate one of these with some plain scrambled eggs. And then had a grapefruit a few hours later, and for dinner had a sweet potato fries in sugar free bacon grease and another sausage.

So yummy! And yes it's on a paper towel to soak up the excess grease. And yes I said fried in sugar free bacon grease. Don't you keep your bacon grease for frying? If you don't you should. Fry potatoes, chicken, anything really. And since I use that sugar free bacon now - all the better:)

Like the trainer said today - take it all in small strides. Mmmmm......bacon. 

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