Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Day 4 - On My Own

So I tried working out on my own today. And by that I mean not attending a class. It's not as fun and motivating as one would think.

I started out thinking I was going to do an hour on this contraption. I wasn't but 10 minutes in and decided to switch up the routine. My thighs and calves here on fire! And because I was by myself, it was easy to give up, or maybe something to build up to. Maybe I set my goals too high. None-the-less I stayed on the machine for 15 minutes.

And then I did 6 reps of 15 on these two Free Motion machines. 

And then I set out to do 1/2 hour on this machine, but again only ended up doing 15 minutes. And that is what I discovered about working out by myself. Even though I keep busy, it's much easier to move around. After this it was hot tub and steam room! Ahhhhh - how blissful. After all that I didn't really feel like I did a whole lot, and almost felt bad about it. That is until I left the locker room and my whole body felt like jello. Then I felt a lot more satisfied with what I had done. I don't want to burn myself out, and I won't start off being work out champion of the year, and I will achieve my goal so it's all good!  

But man was I hungry today!! I started work at 3am, and as soon as I got there I ate my chili, couple hours later I had an orange. When I got home, more eggs and chorizo, with a few of these bad boys:

And I must say they aren't bad. I know I'm trying to stay away from processed foods, but sometimes a girl needs a little something crunchy in her life!! And dispite what they say they're made of, they taste nuttier than I imagined. And then came dinner - the masterpiece of them all:

Fried zucchini in ghee with some salt and pepper; salmon with ghee, lemon, salt &I pepper, and thyme; and a grapefruit (not pictured). It was SO good - I'm definitely making it again. Zucchini had a little too much salt but other than that I was a perfect dish:) Mmmmmm.

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